Rare Girls(Reg Tiny) Original Stuff: https://newstuff4u.deviantart.com/art/Rare-Girls-377790050 A commission from :iconbestthe:. He wanted Tiny and Tootie from Donkey Kong 64 and Banjo Kazooie respectively. I actually messed up, as he wanted Tiny in a different outfit. Lineart-NewStuff4U(DA) Colors-:iconbestthe:
Rare Girls(Young Tiny) Original Stuff: https://newstuff4u.deviantart.com/art/Rare-Girls-Alt-37... A commission from :iconbestthe:. He wanted Tiny and Tootie from Donkey Kong 64 and Banjo Kazooie respectively. This is the correct version. Lineart-NewStuff4U(DA) Colors-:iconbestthe:
Mo' Honey, Mo' Problems Original Stuff: https://newstuff4u.deviantart.com/art/More-Honey-More-P... A commission from :iconbestthe:. This time he wanted Honey B from Banjo Tooie producing too much honey, expanding her breasts as a result. Unable to move them well, she asked the Banana Fairy from DK64 and Humba Wumba from Banjo Tooie, for help. Lineart-NewStuff4U(DA) Colors-:iconbestthe:
Mumbo's Misery 2 Original Stuff: https://newstuff4u.deviantart.com/art/Mumbo-s-Misery-2-... Well then Grunty, you've definitely kept Mumbo busy cooking. And she did say, "When I'm thin once more, burgers, fries, and chips galore". Lineart-NewStuff4U(DA) Colors-:iconbestthe: