The two young lovebirds were in the middle of watching the stars when Arma the Sandshrew poked his lover's paw. But the shiny eevee, misinterpreted it as his lover being playful.
Arma did another poke, and Snow held Arma's paw with his own, thinking that's what his lover wanted.
By the third attempt, Arma stopped being subtle. He touched Snow's shoulder and pinned him down on the grassy field. Then the naughty and usually shy shrew pressed his lips to meet with his lovers. Snow, didn't want to lose, returned the kiss full of passion his own.
"You should have said something." Snow broke his kiss to mutter the words, a luminescent blush appearing on his cheek.
Arma made a mental note that maybe the next time he should be upfront. But that doesn't matter right now. For now, he just wanted to touch lips with his lover again. To be one with his beloved, under the watchful eyes of the stars.
Ohhh and what will they do when I show them the dozen of albums I got of them? Dozen and counting? *grins* Master Darkrai can have company into his shadows hehe
Ohhh and what will they do when I show them the dozen of albums I got of them? Dozen and counting?