Character Profiles Female
F-Name - Gender - Age - DOB -
Hight - Weight - Build - Bust -
Hair-L - Tail-L - Race -
Hair-C - Eye-C - Skin -
Main-C - Under-C - Tail-C -
Fingers - Toes -
Distinguishing Marks -
How did they get there? -
Style - Material -
Style - Material -
Style - Material -
Style - Material -
Accessories -
Weapons -
Mother - Father -
Place o' Birth -
Details o' Birth-
Siblings -
School -
Friends and Relationships-
Type of Work -
Economic Status - Skills-
Religion - Politics -
Ambitions - Other -
Motivations -
Weakness - Strengths -
Fear - Anger -
Happynes -
Lesson to be learned-
Color - Food - Drink -
Music - Art - Hobby -
Character Sheet
-Designation: "I am a"
-Positive Trait: "I'm liked because"
-Negative Trait: "I'm disliked because"
-Ego flaw: "Makes me great yet could destroy me"
-Ambition: "I want"
-Motive: "I'm doing this because"
-Internal Conflict: "I am troubled by"
-External Conflict: "I am thwarted by"
-Secret: "I don't know or I am hiding"
-Ordeal/Reversal: "Last thing I ever want to happen..."
-Epiphany: "I will discover"