Title: My Star of Night
Fandom: Transformers
Continuity: G1
Pairing: Starscream/Sunstorm
Genre: Poetry/Romance
Rating: T
Summary: Sunstorm’s POV. Sunstorm admires the Air Commander from afar.
Disclaimer: I claim no ownership of the Transformers franchise.
I watch you from afar,
The mech who is my shining Star.
That boyish smirk you wear so well,
All that it takes to make my spark swell.
Those ruby optics that glitter when they prey,
Could easily lead me astray.
Your graceful flying that causes them to flee,
Only serves to mesmerize me.
The scathing criticisms that force your beatings enhanced,
Leave me thoroughly entranced.
I watch you, my bird of night,
The mech I desire to bring to the light.