Character Sheet for Christy Ferret Roberts
19 (9/16/1994) (He will be 20 soon)
Character Description
He look like a Girl but have Tits, Pussy, Eye lash, Red Fur and brown eyes like his dad.
He is nice to anyone, but will defend his sisters and make sure they allright
Likes: Sex, Crossdressing, Girly stuff, Strap on fun with the Girls and love Animals. Also he like to be call as a She
Dislikes: Calling a Cunt boy, tease alot and pick on.
He was a opran in Weber City Oprange, as he have a Pussy insted of a cock, then Charles pick him up as he call him his daughter or son and he want to be his daughter anyway. Now living with his two new sisters and his dad. Also He found out his Dad History as a Vampire Ferret and he just give his daughters some of his blood too. Now Christy turn into a Vampire by her dad.
Charles Ferret (Dad) Sandy Viper Ferret Roberts (Sis) Veronica Rat Roberts (Sis)
Oprnage and High School also Webber CIty
Normal. Showing in the picture, Ballet Practues Red Tutu and Slip on shoes. Dance Prom Dress with matching Slip on shoes. Baseball Practues and Field Uniform
Watch, Bracles and Jewery