Jake, as usual was in trouble. Now for a 19 year old boy living with his parents that wouldn't be too much of a shock, however how he go into trouble is the real surprise. Jake, unlike many other 19 year olds, he had just begun his third year under house arrest. Now what could he how have done to be given such a sentence? Well here's why. When Jake was 16 there was a kid in his class, quite a chubby kid basically overweight, who he constantly teased. Now this kid's world was against him. This kid took a beating from his foster parents on a daily basis, he was always picked on due to his weight and because of the stress he endured he couldn't help himself from eating. Now this kid had just recently come to terms with the fact he may be attracted to men, but he kept that deep inside of him. Not only was this kid fat and gay but he also had ginger hair with the glasses and freckles to match. This made the kid an easy target for bullies - and who lead that ring of bullying? Jake.
Now most bullying it start with just a couple of spiked words or the casual shove, the bullying that Jake rained down on this kid was horrific, and it only got worse. Within days of Jake's bullying the kid began to feel rather ill, it was not long after that the kid had begun to feel symptoms of that of high cholesterol patient. No sooner had that happened Jake moved in. He started with his usual taunts and then began on the teasing of the kid's rising cholesterol problems. Because this kid's cholesterol had become so high he had to be kept on regular pills, much like a diabetic. No one knows what motivated Jake to do what he did next and some would agree that no one ever will. Jake decided he would convince the kid that if he took more of the tablets he would have a lower cholesterol level in even less time - little did he know the effect it would have on the kid. For a few minutes after the overdose the kid seemed fine but then out of nowhere he fainted and went into an epileptic fit. The kid was rushed into hospital and soon went into a coma - luckily the kid recovered and in a few months was even healthier than he was when he started 5th form. Jake, however, was not as lucky. He was found to be the cause of the kid's condition and was put under house arrest for 3 and a half years.
Now nearing the end of his sentence Jake has begun to notice that things are beginning to change. The strange thing is that only he seems to notice them. For years Jake has had a rather muscular body and even his arrest hadn't had much of an effect on it, until now. Jake was noticing that he was getting a small film of fat running across his abs..