*Prepares for the onslaught of tomatoes for being punny!* =)
No Skritcher, don't take it! No one can safely wield that kind of power and not be corrupted! D= (Ironically, the wiseacre personality I had envisioned for Skritcher would fit aspects of Gollum's character. XD)
I started this one early last Fall, mainly because I hadn't drawn my character Skritcher Roo here in ages. Having him tempted by the One Ring was actually an afterthought! ^_^;
Doing the initial drawing and coloring literally took only a few hours, but like I said last week in my redraw of this pic I lost my ability to use a tablet on Photoshop when I upgraded in 2011 to Windows 7 (no Wacom drivers =P ) and trying to do the lighting I wanted with a mouse wasn't working out. So I finally broke down and got a Surface Pro and was able to finally finish this. =D
This was just a warmup sketch at the time (the ink lines are too thick for my tastes X3 ) but I love the pose, so enjoy! =3