it was not to long after shiva and his family left the pokemon center in search for the mew that is in the area to find out what happen to and why he got fused with his foster parents kraw and leila. Ever since it happen it been like they are talking to him but not directly at him. They were on the edge of pallet town about to start head in the forest to look for the mew when out of nowhere they found them self’s in a different are there was no sign of the town or the road. Nel ask did we teleport and shiva replied no I have had to chance to practice yet so im holding off using it for now. When then where are we said aura. Lee was scared at that point not knowing what has just happened. So they decided to get moving before whatever brought them here decided to attack. After a few min of walking they notice a unusual tree that look like someone is living in it. I wonder who lives there said shiva. I do said the voice behind them out of nowhere there's mew. May I ask who you ask mew. Well im shiva and that’s nel my mate lee our child and aura my sister. Mew look at shiva weird like and said why are you dress like that, It a long story he replied. Well let get in side and grab something to eat. They followed mew inside which was amazing. It had everything you could think of. By the time that got sat down to eat mew ask how did they com upon this place. Shiva said we really don’t know one min were outside a town and the next were a few min away from here. How odd can any of you teleport ask the mew who has yet to give a name. I can said shiva but Im new at it and need to practice. By the way what you name or would you rather we just call you mew. My name is ren, so what do you think brought you here. We don’t know said shiva but we were looking for you. Hmm why is that ask ren. Well a few day ago a weird thing happened to me. What weird about it ren ask. So shiva took off his at and showed mew who got freak a bit. What happened the mew ask in an freaked yell. So shiva told well originally im human and just before this happened I was sick staying with my foster parents which are pokemon one is a espeon named leila and the other is kraw which he is a Charizard. Ive beleve Ive met those two so what happened. Well it seem this is me think on it for a while but I think some how we fused into one being and im the one in full control. Well this is a unique and awkward situation said ren. Leila and kraw are old friends they helped me out of few bad binds with humans trying to capture me. Let finish up eating out food and we’ll head to my lab we could figuer out what happened there. After they finished eating they headed to rens lab which was impressive. Ren ask shiva to stand on a werid pad which scanned him. How odd said mew it turns out you kraw and leila fused completely and flawlessly. I see no signs that you three were ever apart. Really said shiva. Yes this is very uniqe and it would of taken a lot to do this. You can separate us right. Unfortunately no said ren as far as I can tell it permanent. And it think the only force that could separate you from them is the same force that fused you together. Well then can you help us out to find it said shiva. Sorry but no I have things to do right now but ill keep and eye out for anything strange. And by the way it was you who teleported here said ren. What really ive been holding off on it till I got some experience with it shiva replied. Well in some cases pokemon who can teleport can teleport with out knowing he or she did it if the lack experience is low in the area said ren. But have something take can help you out. Wait here, so shiva wait a few min later ren came back with a neckless and a bo staff. What are these for ask shiva. The staff well help you fouces you powers and the neckless will keep you form burning your self again said ren. I see wait how did you know I burn my self. Im psychic too remember that. Ah ok then. So do you want to leave or stay a while ask ren. Well I think we should stay let me train some more on these new ability said shiva. Well stay here as long as you need, just don’t break anythin said ren. Ok then said shiva. So after all that shiva went to talk to his famliy and explained what they learned. So your stuck like that forever asked nel. Yes but think it may be fate or something that set this in motion said shiva Why ask nel. Well it kind weird don’t you think a unknown explosion kill my real parents and nearly kills me. And mom and dad found me half dead and badly injured. And on a day which was the same year I would be roughly eighteen this all happened. I feel that someone or something is pulling the strings here. And I want to find out why and why me and why this. So what do we do now ask aura trying to keep lee calm after all the excitement. Well for now ren letting stay here until I can get a further grasp on my new ability. And it seem like a nice place to do so as far as I can tell I do anything without being seen and drawing attention said shiva. So then it settled we stay here to train until we can get you 100% confined with your new powers said nel. O and it turns out I may of borught us here with out knowing said shiva. Ya it seem that pokemon without experience with teleportation do it with out knowing what they did. Well at least that’s what ren said. Well that explain that then said nel. With the help of the bo staff it was not long before shiva could do most of the attack and power he well enough to be used everyday. He save teleportation for the last thing because it was the trickiest of them all one wrong move could put him in a tree or a rock. So after he train lifting some boulders with psychic for a hour or two. He decided it was time to practice telportation. He got it quick hes was fine with teleporting a few feet with a lins of sight. But the real test was distance with no visual. It took him a few mins to get it but he made it with out being inside anything. After that he got back to ren tree house and told nel hes good to go on teleporting. And nel said good now dinner done lets eat. After 30 min of eating and just talking it was time for bed. Though shiva still for some reason did not need more than 30 mins of sleep he took the time to try to figure out what the voice in his head that sound like kraw and leila were saying. It took him a few hours to figure some of what they were say but it was not enough to make any sense. At that point he needed a break. Instead of walking he decided to teleport to were he need to go as extra practice.when he got back he continued to try to figure out what they were say and by morning he got a rough explanation of what happened. It turned out some weird pokemon attack them but that all he could make out. At that time everyone was awake and wondering if shiva was ok. Whoa hes said as they all startled him a bit. Shiva you ok ask nel and he said im fine. Good you can start breakfast while we clean up a bit. Ok he said. On his way out he ran in to ren who was back from who know where. He said hi and said that he thinks some weird pokemon did this. Ren was amazed and said if a pokemon could do this who know what else it can do. And also this could be trouble. Shiva ask why. Ren then said well if it can fuse you with pokemon so flawlessly then it can alter time and space to the point were it can casue a real mess if its not careful. I see said shiva, I think it would be a good idea to tell the other legendary pokemon. Due too if this pokemon can cause some real damage we may need them all to step in and help keep it under control. You are right shiva said ren im going to grab some food and then head out to tell everyone. In the mean time are you leaving yet. Yes soone I hope said shiva. I think I finally got teleportation down and the rest of my ability are pretty much down too. Good to hear said ren, so how good are with your teleportation I good enough to get use out of hear but I still prefer walking. So how did u and nel get together ask ren. Well we grew up together and we were the only odd thing in the forest at the time. What do you mean ask ren, well rilou and lucario are very rare sight at the time. And pretty much I was the only human in the area. Ah I see said ren, well u two do make a rare couple. But I must ask when was lee was born. About 2 years before this all happened said shiva. I did not think a human and a lucario could even make anything said ren. Ya I was surprise too but things happen said shiva. True true and aura she your sister ask ren, ya well more or less said shiva. Ok then well that enough for now I got go start telling everyone whats said ren. Ok then see ya around ren said shave as ren disappeared. Shiva was that ren ask nel, ya and how lee doing ask shiva I have not been able to pay much attention to him lately. O hes doing fine but shes still a little scared of you said nel. Well she’ll tell me when she ready to speak to me again said shiva. So where are we going after this ask nel. Well im not sure for now I need to think of what to do. It was thanks to mew we got some good answers which mad sense. I think we should just explore for a bit for now until I can think of something said shiva. Sounds like a plan for now said nel. After that nel and shiva decided to have a quick sparing battle just to see how powerful he has become. Nel first move was aura spear which shiva stop with psychic to stop it and thew it back at her. She dodge it but got some of the splash. And then he fired off a psy beam which hit nel and knocks her down. Nel recovered and used force palm with quick attack. Shiva was thrown 10 feet back. He was able to recover and used flamethrower which did not burn him this time. at the same time he used teleport to get behind nel and dragon claw. Nel got hit by both and was knocked out and shiva won. But nel took a lot of damage. A lot more than they thought she would take. And it happened quicker than they thought. They all knew nel was a lot stronger than that and could take a lot of damage. After all that it took 3 days befor nel was back to full strength. At this point they all knew now shiva was a true force to reckon with now with his new abliltys. On the morning after nel was fully recovered from the battle shiva teleported them all back to pallet town. He was off a bit and they landed in a river in front of some trainers. At this point shiva disguise was compromised. With his hat heading down river and drench in the water with nel, lee, and aura beside him wet as well. They trainers frist reaction was to freak out with the sight of shiva and decided to hide. Shiva and his family did not know they were there and got out of the water and started to dry off. At the same time aura headed down river to grab shiva’s hat and bring it back. With the trainers in the shadows still trying to figure out what shiva was. At that point shiva could already senses that they were there and yelled you can come out now. As aura returned with shiva hat the trainer came out with there pokemon beside at the ready still unsure of what to do. It ok were not going to hurt you said shiva. Then one of them said what are you. Shiva replied I do not know for now. May I ask who are you said shiva. The trainers replied im matthew and this is mel. What are you doing here so far off the path ask shiva. Mel replied were kinda lost and cant seem to get back on the path. May we ask your name ask matthew. Im shiva this is nel that lee and arua. Are you all traveling together asked matthew. Yes we are said shiva and may I ask what are you doing. Mel said im just starting my journey and matthew helping me out for the time being. Well I must ask you to nevre tell anyone about me or how I look said shiva. As shiva put his hat back on mathew ask why. Shiva then said agitated voice I don’t want to many people know about me. Well far enough said mel but I must know were your going to from here. Well I think we should head to virdian city next said shiva. During that time while they were talking nel, lee, and aura was finish drying there stuff off. And told shiva that they were good to go. Alright then let get moving said shiva. As the moved toward the road nel ask what should we do about these two. And shiva said for now we walk with. But I think we should be care around them to. After that they continued to veridan city.
Mean time in a undisclosed location. Do we have a bead on the target yet. No conformation yet sir. Ok I want eye on the target as soon as possible. Understood sir. I want to know who or what this guy is.
So with new friend andsom answers, shiva and his family move toward veridan city. But they yet to know that there being hunted by some unknow people.