-At Twilight Asylum
A lonely Viera by the name Pastelle struggles in her red mage robes as they were turned into a Straightjacket by a spell. and she strapped in a three wall padded cell with a energy barrier door. as she struggles she here foot steps. she looks to the energy door and see the warden Terra Kish. "great she here to rub it in my face more." she tough to her self as she saw more people with her like a tour group to look at the bound viera.
"okay everyone." terra said to get the groups attention. "this is patient is #213. we keep her real name privet but all you need to know is she a Viera & she is restrained by her outfit cause of one of her spells. so we keep her here and safe till we can fine a way to undo it." Terra smirks looking to the Pastelle who rushes the energy door but gets shocked lightly and falls back. Terra and the group laugh at her as terra leads them to the next part of the tour. the Viera crawls into a corner and think about how she was tricked into this.
-flash back to 2 weeks ago.
it was a normal Monday as Pastelle sits in a waiting room for add she found in a book about bondage spell of any magic when she heard of this she thought it would be helpful to learn these type of spells. "miss Pastelle? the warden is ready to see you." a guard say. "thank you" Pastelle says as she stands up and is escorted to Terra office. "ahh hello there miss Pastelle please come in and have a seat. I understand you wish to learn some bondage spells right?" terra says. Pastelle has a seat "yes I do." she excitingly says. "well miss Pastelle I can teach you one." terra says handing you a scroll that got the spell Restrainga. Terra stand up and says "now fallow me to the testing room." Pastelle is excited to try the new spell not knowing the grinning Terra.
-Test room 3F
"okay this is the Test room you will learn that spell in." terra says as she opens the door and turns on the light to a room that's got four mirror walls. Unknown to Pastelle the walls are one way mirrors and there are Scientists & Lab Technicians that are observing the spell. Pastelle walks in and sets the scroll down. "Have fun learning" terra say as she leaves and locks the door. Pastelle thinks its odd that she locks the door but then think she dose have a lot a security so just starts to look the scroll over. "okay lets see first. raise hand up." dose as she reads. "focus a combo of Black, Green, and Elemental magic energy." a glow forms in her hand. "and then grip your fist for a blinding flash." A blinding light happens that blind Pastelle for a bit she then feel her outfit change on her from her. "hey what the?" she scream not being able to see as she as the red robe turns into latex and her arms hug her into a straight pose and lock. "help me Terra!!!" she cries out only to have her blue jewel necklace form a ballgag and gags her. "mmmmurrr muuulp murrr!" she screams into her new gag. Prrrzzzt~ intercom comes on. "Ahh I see the test on that spell works." Pastelle hear Terra voice on the intercom and pleads for help into her gag. "don't worry Pastelle will help you..." Pastelle is worried on how she said that. Then door opens and two guards walk in and grab her and drag her off. "welcome to Twilight Asylum #213" one of the guards says. "MMMULLL MMMMULP MMMMUEEES!!!
Red Mage Viera belongs to the Final Fantasy series.
ball gag
final fantasy
red mage viera
11 years, 9 months ago
06 Jun 2013 01:57 CEST
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