Thanks for all your patience, your kindness and royalty to me Sorry if i'm not good for the details, but this pic and this song are dedicated only for you Thanks for all, thanks for stand with me and don't let me fall alone in this world. You're the best pet and friend ever and ever
あの海どこまでも青かった遠くまで あの道どこまでも続いてたまっすぐに That sea went on forever, into the blue distance That road went on forever, continuing straight ahead
一番早く素直に笑った者勝ち 一番好きなあの人笑ってる The person who sincerely laughs first wins The person I love most is laughing
誰よりも遠くにいってもここからまた笑ってくれる? 瞳を閉じればふっと夏の日の匂い Even if I were farther away than anyone else, would you still smile for me from here? When I close my eyes, suddenly I can smell the scent of a summer day
あの川遊んでる二人きり泥だらけ あの雲迫ってる届いたら幸せと Playing in that river, just the two of us, we were covered in mud I'm chasing that cloud... if I reach it, I'll be happy
一番早くこの坂のぼったもの勝ち 一番好きなあの場所目指して The one who runs up this hill fastest wins Aiming for that place we like best
たくさんの思い出がある 他にはなにもいらないぐらい 瞳を閉じればすぐあの海の匂い I have so many memories that I almost don't need anything else When I close my eyes, soon I can smell the scent of that sea
また夏がくる銀色に光る 水面に移すふたりぶんの影 Summer comes again, shining silver Our shadows reflected on the surface of the water
誰よりも遠くにいってもここからまた笑ってくれる? 瞳を閉じればふっと夏の日の匂い Even if I were farther away than anyone else, would you still smile for me from here? When I close my eyes, suddenly I can see that day's blue sky