Yeah... I ALWAYS miss her Q... ALWAYS... xD I knew that, I only played Tristana at my beginning in LoL, but now I play nearly everything except jungle. I love it to support <3 I maybe know which champ you can also play, she's pretty simple (hrrm... need 2 games to handle her I guess): Katarina :3 (Sister of Cassio)
Yeah... I ALWAYS miss her Q... ALWAYS... xD I knew that, I only played Tristana at my beginning in L
I'm not very good with melee champs, I already had some terrible experience with Garen when I started out in the game. I'd like to keep my distance from my opponent while harassing him.
I'm not very good with melee champs, I already had some terrible experience with Garen when I starte
Well you could try checking out the guides on LoLking to get an idea on what to look out for.
Avoid getting ganked with her because once someone's in her face, she's already dead. Flash is pretty much your only tool of escape and that spell takes friggin ages to recharge. Still, you need to be aggressive with her or else she loses out on all her advantages. She's a literal glasscannon.
Well you could try checking out the guides on LoLking to get an idea on what to look out for. Avoid