Sometimes I like to think silly thoughts. Like the FlimFlam Brothers being some sort of Apple Family blacksheep. Perhaps because of their nature. Shortcuts and get rich quick schemes instead of hard work. Or maybe even partly because they're unicorns in a traditionally Earth Pony family.
Perhaps they were born of Apples farther away as an older generation. So Applejack and her siblings didn't know them because the older generations like Ma and Pa and Granny Smith didn't talk about them.
"What's the matter, Granny Smith? Chicken?" I don't recall Granny Smith even being introduced to them. Not to mention her little frightened look when she tasted their cider. Their cutie marks ARE apples, it's obviously their talent. The way they go about it isn't traditional, but even Granny seemed shaken by the quality they produced. Their being cut out of the family might even give them a grand motive to WANT to go to Ponyville and try to win Sweet Apple Acres for their own as a sort of retribution. Claim their right to be in the family.
I could yammer on about my personal headcanons and the like. But really, no one want's to read a wall of text about it.
SO. To the picture. I drew this based on all that and how Applebloom's mane and coat color reflect theirs closely. Not that pony genetics make any sense in that realm. So it's pretty much moot. Either way it was fun to draw.
It shows there is INDEED unicorn in their line. (And the same colors too, wow) No one would blame a CHILD for their, perhaps, older brothers or uncles deeds. She could grow up to fit into their tradition, even being a unicorn.
It shows there is INDEED unicorn in their line. (And the same colors too, wow) No one would blame a