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The Reality chapter two
Keywords male 1198075, cub 278282, fox 249093, babyfur 39343, diapers 22041, noyiff 18, drugreferences 1, kyoga 1
This is my first attempt at writing a story cub/babyfur and minor drug content is in here if your not into it do not read. I apologize in advance if my grammar and spelling are a bit off, hopefully my spell check can catch these before I post them. All characters in this story are made up for the sake of this story it follows one character going though a life changing event.

The reality chapter one

    My eyes began to open I tried to focus my vision a bit more before looking around I could only see white walls, a door, and machines that I had no clue what they were for. I must have it the bong too hard last night I thought to myself. I went to go rub my eyes, and as I had moved my hand too fast I had hit a part of me with more force than I realised and then I released a yelp of pain. Right as soon as that had happened I heard the door open and someone rush in, in the small daze, I was in I noticed that I did not have a nose that it was a muzzle. Someone put their hand no wait it was not a hand it was a paw down on me, they started to speak but I could not understand what they were saying it was not the English that I was used to speaking.

"What's going on here, were am I?" I asked, but no one replied they could not understand me, and I could not understand them great.

    One of the people then sat me up and began checking my body, first he grabbed my arm. When I looked over to see what he was doing, I noticed that my arm was covered in fur. Not only that and the end of my arm was not a hand but a paw as well, but mine had looked a bit different than theirs they had fingernails were I had claws. I had started to freak out a little bit. "What was going on what had happened to me who are they." I thought franticly. As I had tried to break free of their grasp putting up a bit of commotion. They were too strong for me to break free, trying to flail out of the grasp I noticed the second one there was preparing a needle; The only thing I could think was in that needle was probably a sedative to calm me down so I could not resist as I have been. Then I began shaking my head trying to be as calm and still as possible so they would not stick that needle into me, needles just happened to be my biggest fear.
The second person noticed the change in, my behavior, so she put the Needle down but still looked ready to use it if she needed to. The one checking me over appeared to be a man I think; he then began to look at my chest area I looked down and saw more white fur. "Great" I thought to myself. "More fur what the hell happened to me while I was sleeping." I was trying to recall my last memory, but it just seemed to just slip from my mind what I was doing last before I fell asleep. They pulled the sheet that was over me down, and I took a  look down at my legs what was there was the biggest shock I had seen today no not today in my life. Between my legs, there was a thickly padded diaper, why was a wearing this I was so shocked, but everyone else in the room just continued on. But to no surprise there was more fur and more paws, again they looked different down there where my legs and feet should be I think I was ready to pass out from shock at this point, and he had finished checking me over and then he and what I had to assume would be a nurse both left for a few moments and then they came back with someone new.

    That new man then came down and sat beside me with his paw held out, I had decided to grab it and then began feeling the texture of his fur it was strange it felt just like the old dog, I used to have. He grabbed my arms and started to move them up down and side to side. Bending every joint. It felt as though if he was trying to get me to use the new muscles and joints. I did not have very good control of them yet. So I just sat there and let him do what he wanted there was nothing I could do to make him stop. He then after a few minutes of that stopped and waited a few moments, I stared at him puzzled and be made the movements with his arms, I had finally got what he wanted, he wanted me to repeat what he did but on my own. I had given it my best shot. I did not do too badly, but raising them above my head straight up was difficult for me. I was not used to the way these moved yet, after what I could say was about half an hour someone came and attached a tray to the bed I was in and set down a tray of food. There were so many scents they did not smell bad, but it was overwhelming I covered my nose they were so strong it was nauseating. They were waiting for me. Again something new. I was not used to being able to smell as good as this before I fell asleep. There were a fork and spoon down by the food I looked at what was set down in front of me it appeared to be some soup with vegetables and what looked like some drink that was put into a Childs Sippy cup. I then tried to pick up the spoon it was so challenging for me grabbing it with these new paws. They do not like to move how I would like them to. I ended up dropping it a lot until the man that was moving my arms grabbed it and placed it properly into my paw I smiled at him because I had no way of communicating. It was still difficult.

    I then began to eat what was in front of me I thought to myself why would you put a fork and spoon with a bowl of soup. All you needed was a spoon when I put the spoon into the broth and when to go taste it i could see why then there where quite large chunks of vegetables and pieces of chicken by the looks of it I tried to sip the broth a bit from the spoon but just ended up making a huge mess as it dropped into my lap it was warm not too hot luckily I heard the giggling of some lady, and a few moments after that they had put a bib around me because of the mess I was making, I had blushed it was quite embarrassing to be treated as a child even though I may have looked like one. After a few more tries with the spoon I just could not do it and tried to switch to the fork, I was not at least able to stab a few pieces of chicken and eat it still making quite a mess, I was not used to using this new muzzle of mine. After a while of making, a huge mess of myself the man sitting next to me had decided to help me a bit he was taking the spoon and feeding me yet another reason for me to be embarrassed I was 30 years old I believe I could take care of myself even if I had a some difficulties. After a few more minutes, I was finally done. It was so demeaning having to drink from a sippy cup though.
     They had then picked me up and sat me down on the counter. I could hear water running. I looked over at a sink they were filling. After they had finished filling the sink they took off the bib and diaper, I was wearing and placed me in the water. They began cleaning my fur and the rest of my body from my extremely messy lunch. It took them a few minutes to finish cleaning me and, then dry me off and place a new diaper over my bottom. I was then sat down with the same man who then started to work my legs and my feet. This day seemed to keep dragging on and on, I was hoping so much that this was all just a dream, and I would be back to reality soon enough. We continued to work my body building strength for a few hours, after awhile I had started to yawn. And the man looked at his watch and saw the time; everyone still looked like they had much work to do with all their files and papers everywhere soon after they had put up a rail  on the bed like a baby crib. They then left and turned off the lights; I was all alone now  just left to sleep. I began to hum and sing to myself since I was alone tears had begun to well up in my eyes it felt like this nightmare was never going to end. Was I going  to be stuck like this for the rest of my life, that night I quietly cried myself to sleep wishing for my life to return to normal.

    A few more days had passed, and I was now stuck in a routine of my daily exercises feedings bath changes and bedtimes I had now gotten used to the fact of that I was here in this hospital stuck with nothing to do as I went thought my daily routines I was getting more used to humming and singing to myself in English even if no one could understand me at least I could, some would even hum along with me when I did it at least they could do something that comforted me a bit more. Although every night, I did cry, but one of the nights, one of the nurses heard me. Wolf-Like women she sat there with me holding me tight humming one of the tunes, she had listed to me hum before. It was calming and helped me easily get to sleep.

    Then a few more days had passed, and they had brought in something new. It looked like a walker with wheels and hand brake that you would usually see older men and women using to help them move. It even had a seat. They had carefully picked me up and sat me down on the seat they had wanted me to use this I believe I set down my paw pads on the floor for the first time it was cold it sent a chill up my spine I wish for once they had put me in some clothes or something the floor was cold on my paws. Wearing only this diaper, all the time, was humiliating even if I did need it. I grabbed onto the walker and started testing each step carefully. I did not want slip and hurt myself. I walked around a bit in my room, I noticed that the door was open and walked towards it. No one was stopping me either this was hopefully going to be the first time to get out of this room, I was excited to see what was beyond these four walls. As I took a step out of the room I could see many nurses and doctors walking around, also noticing someone had been following me the whole time that is why no one cared where I went. "What a boring job." I thought. I went into the room adjacent to the one I was in there was a bunch of desks with nurses and doctors talking reading over reports and other various things doctors would I heard quite a bit of giggling coming from over one of the nurses desks so I slowly wheeled up to the desk and went around the side; she was typing on some advanced keyboard by the looks of it. She then looked down at me and smiled I heard another person giggling, so I looked over in that direction, a split second after I looked away the nurse beside me began scratching behind my ear, I had jumped a bit that made everyone laugh a bit more. I then tilted my head to the side in a puzzled looked wondering what was so funny. A few moments later the one following me beckoned to me to come back to her so I walked over to her I could hear the wheels squeaking a small amount she leads me back to my room. She picked me up and put me back into the crib and laid me down I looked over to the wall clock. Looking at the time I could not understand what the numbers were, but if anything like what I was used to it was 3:15 pm. could see it was the usual time they normally made me take a nap at. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

    As I woke up from my afternoon nap, something was strange there was no one there to greet me it was unusual. The only reason this was strange is because there was normally a nurse there to made sure I was still clean from sleeping that, in most cases, I was not just like this time. I then realised I had no way of contacting someone to tell them I wake. The bars were still up to, and I had no idea how to lower them and hop out of the bed. I tried to look at where the doctors normally touched and I could not find a way to undo them, a few moments later a nurse walked in and noticed I was awake, he then quickly changed me and started the exercises that I normally went through. I had been craving a change in pace. Sure, I had been allowed to start walking as of today, but I had not explored too much. After the exercises, the had let me walk around the hospital a bit more. I soon realised it was just a giant square of a hospital with lots of rooms and doctors; I saw lots of smiles and heard lots of laughing every time I went and walked around to the different rooms, it is like I was a silly pet to them or something. For the first time in a long time after all the torment of walking I felt like, I needed a cigarette, which it had technically been months since I last had one I doubt I would be allowed to either, to think of it no one in the hospital smelled of tobacco either so they must not smoke at all. After I had finished walking around and got back to my room my meal was there ready for me, since the first time I had eaten in this body I had gotten used to it and had stopped making such a mess of myself.

    After I finished eating they set me down on the floor by the walker. They were saying things to me while doing motions. Stand, sit, go, and stop, after awhile I started picking up smaller words and what they were as they seemed to be trying to teach me the language if I were a baby using picture books and other children's things. An hour or two later they had put me into the bed and left and turned the lights off meaning it was time to sleep. All I could think about for some reason is words of a song I used to love, and I kept saying the words in my head until I decided that I had them in the right order and said the out loud to myself.

"The man wasn't good he was great. He'd say music was the home for your pain and explained I was young. He would say. Take that rage put it on the page, take the page to the stage and blow the roof off the place." I sang that over and over to myself until I fell asleep that was the song that inspired me to become a musician, that song was who I was.

    I woke up and repeated my daily schedule. Day in and out. Until I felt comfortable enough that I could walk without a walker. I would continue going thought the hospital often staying in the nurses hall even though I could not understand what they were talking about  eating my lunches there, and my dinners now do I did not mind having them around me even if they did baby me a bit. All I could think about recently was when they would be finished all of this muscle exercise and just focus on teaching me to communicate with them. So I could get my own way and be able to ask for things I needed. As my hair was much too long for me to like it I wanted to cut most of it off and just keep it short, but there was no way of telling them that, the only reason I knew it was long is because I had to keep moving it off to the side so it would stay out of the way of my eyes; it got annoying after awhile to have to keep doing it every hour or so.

    A few times after They had put me in and out of the crib I watched how they had undone the latches, and I knew I could easily undo them now. The next day I woke up, and no one was there watching me, so I undid the latches on it and tried to climb out by myself. I ended up falling it was a far drop, or at least it felt like it was because it seemed like everything was going in slow motion. I slowly descended to the floor once I hit the ground I had hit my head pretty hard and let out a howl of pain. Tt hurt so much I could not stop the tears from welling up in my eyes, I knew this pain as nothing to what I felt before. But I could just not stop myself from crying. Doctors and nurses both came in as they heard the crying from my room, and one of them picked me up and started checking my body for injuries I had grabbed the back of my head from the pain I was feeling and then they checked that out too. They tried to calm me down, but nothing was working, so they prepared the sedative, and before I knew it they stuck it in me and few moments later I was out like a light. I woke up a few hours later to an angry doctor he must have watched the security tape and saw what I did, it sounded like he was scolding me, and he grabbed my paw and slapped it. I laughed a bit. Being punished like I was a kid. The only thing that went through my mind after that is that it was just not a big deal. I then realised that people were packing things from my bedroom. A nurse had come and helped me out of the crib and grabbed my paw and was walking me around the building stopping a few times to pick up a few documents. Then she started walking over to the elevators; she swiped a card through it, and we waited a few moments. We got inside of the elevator, and she hit a button that seemed to be a few stories above our current one. We slowly ascended the elevator. The doors opened to a new floor which I had been yet allowed to see. She walked me down a long hall stopping at the door at the very end. Then she slowly opened the door. I saw what was inside was a small room like a child's bedroom, and a small bed with bars on it. Just half the height of the one I was just using and much closer to the floor, as well there was a mirror about my height so I went over and took the first good look at myself that I have gotten since I awoke.

    I seemed to be a fox white body black paws, my limbs looked quite feral to the others in the hospital, black tips on my ears and a pink nose my eyes where a green, almost as green as an emerald, my hair was long shaggy and blonde and needed to be cut. My mouth dropped as I finally had gotten a good look of my chest and face I had fur markings on my chest in the shape of a flower with what seemed to be a vine going up to my neck down my back a small way and back up to my right eye. I began to cry because that reminded me that was the tattoo I had on my human body. It had transferred over to this new one as markings on my fur; that tattoo was one part of a set that me and my best friend had gotten together on my eighteenth birthday. His was on the opposite side I put my paw up against it; this was the strongest memory I had of my old body, now I think about it I will never be able to let go of the past. Just as I had finished checking over my whole body, I heard a voice say something I could understand.
First in pool
The Reality chapter two
This is my first shot at writing a story I had recently read a story that the author has not continued for quite some time so I decided to write a story that was somewhat similar in certain circumstances I have if you think I tagged this wrong or did not put a correct rating on it please let me know so I can fix it if your going to comment please dont be rude if I had incorrect grammar or anything please let me know nicely thanks I hope you enjoy reading

male 1,198,075, cub 278,282, fox 249,093, babyfur 39,343, diapers 22,041, noyiff 18, drugreferences 1, kyoga 1
Type: Writing - Document
Published: 11 years, 10 months ago
Rating: General

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11 years, 10 months ago
Very  nice  first  chapter!^^
11 years, 10 months ago
Thank you! I appreciate you taking the time to read it
11 years, 10 months ago
My  pleasure!^.^
11 years, 9 months ago
Could use a little polishing, but for a first attempt that was quite good.
11 years, 9 months ago
Yes my chapters definitely needed some polishing on them but I am now working with a guy from here on so he will be helping me with my grammar and sentence structure I was never the best person to write the story but my imagination is wild so I had to do something with it
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