So we finally get to see Sarina’s dad, what a lovely gent, he’s got no custody of her, and suddenly one day shows up and feels he’s got a better job that Manila does , he’s found them and he’s taking her.. Anyhow here’s week two of chapter ten part two. Yup we’re gonna stay in color, though this week was my first attempt EVER at lettering the strip myself, so I’ll be trying to do better in the future.
CnC has a paypal account finally, if you look to the right of the strip I’ll try and keep the bar next to Sarina updated at least once a week. Was talking with Chettdog and we’re still working on a bonus for each time we
hit our monthly target, so I’ll try and keep you all informed here, or on twitter about what’s going on with that. Also added 2 new pictures to the fan art section. One in clean, one in adult. Thanks for all of your
questions using the new contact us link at the bottom right of the page, I’ve tried to get back to all of you as quick as I could.
We’ll be getting back into the groove of things as Chettdog picks up the characters more, and we’re only a few weeks away from the end of the flash back. Thanks for sticking with us, I’ll keep you all informed as much as I