When I stream I mostly use LiveStream - http://www.livestream.com/mikefurry Previously, I have been at WatchTail -http://watchtail.com/view/MikeFurry I would be back to WT right now, but it is still down, but I absolutely loved it! I can't stream elsewhere, because of the limitations of my systems vs the requirements of other sites, meaning all the furry streaming sites either cost too much for me to work on, or my computer does not meet the minimal requirements to operate there... like one not accepting Windows XP.
Eventually I will want to get a Tigerdile, but they are a pay to use website, but its by furry artist, for furry artists, and if I ever get to that point where it becomes economically viable for me, I am there!
So for now, please keep an eye open for this image, and come join me. I often will take requests and donations, and even a few commissions when I am not busy working on things for myself. Request are subject to my whims on if I will do them or not... and if I say no, please don't get up set and storm out of the room.
I rely on donation for income, so if you like what you see, please feel free to donate, even if it is just a buck or two. Don't have money, well not to worry, I don't expect you to pay. I consider it a bonus, or a tip, nice to get, but not something to expect or demand. I am just happy to have you in my stream and have you enjoy what I draw.