look told you my idea, I have this OBJ. of renamon (apparently uploaded by you). My idea is to convert the OBJ. of renamon, in a model compatible with Source Engine (mdl or smd). BUT, when loading the OBJ, this not have the materials, so you see without textures (I leave here's some screenshots).
really would be very grateful if you help me with the issue of materials and textures as the truth I am newbie in 3d modeling. maybe i'm using the wrong program, so any help you appreciate so I would appreciate any help you
PS: this project is only for my personal use in Garry's Mod as it is a model uploaded by you, so I can not use it so public.
PS2: i have the original model OBJ. uploaded by "KP-ShadowSquirrel" (not porn vercion haha) and you OBJ model.
look told you my idea, I have this OBJ. of renamon (apparently uploaded by you). My idea is to conve
well i dont made the renamon nor i uploaded it somewhere... all i did was the pants and top and telling the admin of extend3d that the download link of the renamon was not working and he fixed it. and i just checket the download on the site and in the runtime is a texture.
well i dont made the renamon nor i uploaded it somewhere... all i did was the pants and top and tell