I how I remember trying to get through the caves and of how many times this guy would pop up and I would have to fight it. When starting out it is always challenging with low level Pokemon and the entire team would be hairline close to death when you made it out of the caves.
I how I remember trying to get through the caves and of how many times this guy would pop up and I w
I still remember the awesome Golbat evolution and I was like "fucking SWEEEEET"
Did you play Gales of Darkness for the Gamecube? Soooo good. Totally emulation worthy. In fact, I think I know what my timewaster will be. HELLO POKEMON GOLD!
Yeah and you're like OH MY GOD NOT ANOTHER ZUBAT. I still remember the awesome Golbat evolution and
I don't hate them but they get very annoying when they keep popping up and draining your PP on your moves. never really battle with any on my team i'm more of the fire type player
I don't hate them but they get very annoying when they keep popping up and draining your PP on your
I cant remember if you can get Repels beforehand, but I know my standard method these days, is that I will not leave the starter location, untill Ive evolved my starter and got at least half a squad that can look after itself.
The best thing about the badges and level controls, is that if you train it yourself, you can greatly exceed the level cap on the badge and it will still follow instructions.
Whats a real pity is that you can no longer do bulk item transfer between games. Here, you are about to start out on your journey, have 100 Rare Candies.