A new app for pokemon mystery dungeon explorers, this time for the Rescuer guild.
Having been born and raised in the dusty town of Gambitville, young Buizel Cassidy always looked up to his father - a successful ranger. The middle child of a litter of three, Cassidy had a solid early childhood and as good an education as one could hope for a Pokemon of his status, but found himself being moved to Tao along with his brother and sister for his own safety. In spite of the dangers associated with the life of a Ranger, he continued to idolise his father and yearned to be a ranger himself. While he wasn't able to get hold of any projectile weapon artifacts like the one his father uses in battle, he did develop an uncanny skill for handling various fish Pokemon and using them as firearms. One day while visiting his younger sister in Almomola Bay, he encountered a Remoraid by the name of Banzai and found her to be an ideal match for his unusual style of marksmanship. Although told to stay put by his father, he frequently travels to Gambitville in order to hunt bounties, a tendency which causes his sire a lot of strife. In order to try to keep his son busy, ranger Jesse signed Cassidy up as a member of the Rescuers. Cassidy would still prefer to think of himself as a Ranger, and still aches to prove that he's ready to join his father in Gambitville inspite of his tender years. He spends a good deal of his time moving between Almomola Bay and a halfway point between Tao and Gambitville in order to visit his siblings. Foolishly, he's also tailing a dangerous Gambitville Outlaw, a Quilava by the name of Black Dart, whom he's determined to bring to justice before his father does. Cassidy himself isn't a particularly strong battler, but he uses agile footwork in combination with his partner's power to make up a formiddable offense, and he's capable of surprising strategy when placed under pressure. He's stubborn and tends to have idealistic views on justice, but isn't ashamed of expressing his confusion when he doesn't understand something, and will listen to reason.
Banzai, or Ban-chan as Cassidy affectionately calls her, is a mysterious but friendly Remoraid who seems to hail from the distant land of Jipang. Her grasp of Taolish is poor at best, but she makes an effort to speak the language and shows some intelligence, though her behavior is odd even then. Cassidy found her being sold as cheap knockoff Jipangese sushi ingredients around Almomola harbor, and saved her from an unfortunate fate (Her inability to speak Taolish well had convinced the fishmonger that she was feral, or close to being so). Banzai is fascinated by the world above water, but can't express her curiosity with words most of the time, so she relies on Cassidy to carry her around and show her how things work. In combat, she's quite a powerful battler so long as Cassidy lines her up with the target correctly. Her combo of Soak and Seed Bomb is devastating for Pokemon who don't take cover, and for such a small Pokemon her Water Spout is fearsome when used as a quick draw before either side has taken damage. She also benefits from Cassidy passing her Agility boosts, allowing her to rapid-fire her various projectiles to great effect. Unfortunately she does have a tendency to get over excited in battle and go into small fits, which impede her ability to function properly for short periods of time. Banzai practices her Taolish earnestly and will happily praise Cassidy for clear shots as well as confirm battle data and target analysis vocally as best she can.
pokemon mystery dungeon
11 years, 9 months ago
10 May 2013 10:07 CEST
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