I never really had a fursona before; if someone asked what species I was, I'd say "human" (bitch, have you seen my opposable thumbs?). But the idea of being represented in artwork is pretty cool, and I wouldn't associate a real photo of myself with loli porn even if you all caught a terminal disease and the only cure was seeing a fuck-handsome dude with hair like a Norse god. Sorry.
So this is the fishier me, being so chill that your fruit juice would turn into a smoothie just from being in the same room. Aww yeaaah. He's based off the pale damselfish, and I've decided to name him Mactep just because I've seen some confusion in differentiating between someone's fursona and their real meat-self when they use the exact same name. He has legs, by the way, and not a single fish-trunk.