Winter holds Vince close him, and as the two lay there the room seems a bit brighter... They both smile as they notice their markings begin to glow, illuminating themselves and the dark room. Winter wraps his arms around his little brother and pulls him closer and whispers "Ill always be here Vince, you'll always be safe in my arms". Vince smiles and begins to tear up as the two stare lovingly into each others eyes and he whispers back "I love you big brother". Winter kisses his little brother's forehead and whispers back. "I love you too". Soon the two brothers slowly drift off to sleep, holding each other close as their markings glow brightly, a symbol of the love the two brothers share for one another.
Mini-story is a preview for the first chapter of Winter and Vince's story "Brotherhood" I finally decided to go through with an idea ive been throwing around, having the brother's markings glow when they are experiencing strong feelings for the person they are currently with. :3 I was inspired to get this commission after listening to this song: