Now Pinkuh following her usual screw the rules, I do what I likes method, has now determined that sonic porn is right out unless they are artificially aged to suit what looks older to her. So far this means boobs and bigger hips installed on female sonic characters or prohibited from Adult. For males? ummmm no clear rules except broader shoudlers...maybe we should give them pubes to totally apply human standards to them. Why because a few sources list an anthro hedgehog as 15.
I repeat what dragoneer said a week ago: "An anthro wolf does not go by the same age scale (as humans), naturally. That's a ridiculous argument."
Apparently this does not apply to anthro hedgehogs.
Yet the rule gets thrown right out with too-anthro foxes like Shippo whose listed as 50 years old, because he looks too childish, fear for the short anthros and cute anthros. Especially males. Females at least you can give implants too.
Yet again, pokemon and digimon are perfectly fine, because lucario and renamon are feral and therefore beasts and pikachu bears no resemble to an infant, riiiiiiight.
Alertpay has cracked its whip Alter your artz now to appear on FA Give them Breasts and add a Big Hip And then everything shall be right OK