I did this several months back, but never got around to uploading it. I call it "Red Queen."
Anyways, a bit of background. This mech is a tripod walker. I got the idea while watching Thomas Hine's rendition of H.G. Wells' classic "War of the Worlds." I wanted to create my own walker, and after some searching of my computer files, I found the perfect inspiration in a Lego tripod walker MOC. So, fueled by my obsessive-but-flighty muse, I began working on this little beauty. It was a bit of a challenge for me, as I always want to cheap and collide parts together; however, I was determined to make it something that one could build in real life. Given, it's probably too top-heavy, and would fall on its arse because it's center of gravity is too far back, but I was going more for looks than stability. To pelvis/torso/cockpit was a pain to construct, and required over twelve interpretations to get just right- the underbelly just didn't want to cooperate. As for the colouration, I tried to keep as true to the MOC that inspired me as I possibly could; though, with the addition of the xenomorph queen head, I'll probibly do a black version of the Queen...
For those curious, the Red Queen stands at 21 x 25 x 35 studs, that being 6.67cm x 19.45cm x 27.72cm, or 6.56 x 7.66 x 10.91 inches.