Character Sheet for Jamba
Character Description
Kayamba and Kristen's firstborn son. He has inherited his father's sadistic nature, and is a firebrand. He has a strange fascination for collecting bones and loves causing pain to animals smaller than him. He's always the one who causes the fights he has with his brothers. Absolutely refuses to eat anything that isn't bloodied meat. Secretly harbors incestuous feelings towards his baby brother Gauche, and once committed incest against him.
He is highly sadistic, short-tempered, extremely violent, and manipulative. He rarely smiles unless he's engaging in violence. He also has a sick sense of humor. Often gets sexually frustrated.
Likes: Fighting, bone collecting, making his brothers do his chores for him, torturing his brothers and smaller animals, making woodwork crafts.
Dislikes: Being forced to get along with his brothers, the smell of Cactus Flowers and Sap Plants, stupidity of others
Kayamba (Father), Kristen (Mother), Mushaka (Brother), Gauche (Brother). Also has a boyfriend.
Wears a skirt-like tasset made of Bullfango leather, a crisscrossed belt made of Kelbi horns, a hip belt that's decorated with the rib bones of some of the smaller animals that he has slaughtered. His mask is made of the finger bones of Melynxes and Felynes, along with the horns of a Diablos. His footgear are sandals made of Velvety Hide and Immature Sponges.
He never goes anywhere without his hand-made dagger, which is his murder tool of choice. Also uses it to make woodwork crafts.