Now... I know probably no one here will probably know what this is from due to it is from a really not known game I have played for years... It's a rp'ing game and one of the basic things I learned in my learning of rp'ing and other things was making a description and a background for the person your playing, who ever that might be... Either way if I had not mentioned it she is a feline race.
So here is a story and description I had thought up one night when I was trying to sleep, it'd not leave me alone till I typed the bloody thing..
By, Atagal
A fenki (female Enkidukai) sits there on the hill over looking everything below; she is kneeled with her paws on her lap one on the other though both face down.
Her legs are well rounded, well toned; her arms also are well toned. Her cheeks have a slight curve to them rather than being rounded. Her muzzle is a bit shorter than most enki (short for “Enkidukai”). And her ears about a normal length seem to be more rounded at the top. Her pure blue eyes are a perfect size to fit her features well. Her hips follow the shape of her body. Her paws (feet and hands) are a size which also fits with her body, not too big or too small.
From the front her fur is a pure black color though it has a shine to it, even more so in the light; her fur glistens in the light of the crystal. From her back it is about the same other than the small of her back in which is a dark gray color, it is in the shape of a perfect circle, about a foot from one side to the other of the circle.
She wears a light green color shorts that go half way down to her knees, they appear to be designed to give her legs freedom to move easily; and it does not cover her tail at all. There is freedom for her tail to move because the hole in the shorts in which it comes from is slightly wider than her tail. And she has a shirt which goes down to above her belly button; its color is also light green and matches the shorts. The shirt has no sleeves at all so to not interfere with any movement of her arms.
She wears no shoes, boots or sandals; all of her paws are uncovered, her feet and ‘hands.’ Her arms and head are also uncovered.
There is no jewelry on her.
She has no weapons, and no armor. All though her teeth and claws; if you ever see them, look strong and sharp.
When approached she may seem shy or nervous. She might stray away or move back if she feels a person moved too close to her and makes her uncomfortable. And when you get to know her and she gets to know you, well that is a secret to be reveled.
She sits there on the hill just staring at anything that moves, though she remains motionless. Her eyes move a little as she watches animals move.
After a few hours she stretches some and yawns. She sighs softly and gets to her feet, and stretches again to try and loosen up some of her muscles; having been holding still for so long they needed it.
Slowly she starts to travel down the hill, silently. Her eyes still watching animals around the trees at the bottom of the hill. She spots a trep (Trepors.) [Trep description: An intelligent and hostile creature resembling a spider, but with a human face. A fully-grown trepor is about 1.5m high, 1m wide and 1m long. They have four feelers on their raised backs; these feelers help them to move around swiftly in the darkness.] The trep she spots is not a fully grown one but rather a trep which is half way grown.
The fenki silently stalks the trep, being carful not to be seen by it. Slowly while stalking the fenki moves closer and closer to the trep, partly waiting for it to come farther away from any other animal; having seen some bigger animals nearby.
She moves ahead of where the trep is going and climbs a big and thick tree, using her claws to move up it fast. She carful moves out on one of the limbs of the tree, and once again watches the trep who has now stop and started to eat something.
Getting tired of watching the fenki climbs down slowly and grabs a good sized rock and she goes back up the tree. Once back up the tree she looks and makes sure the trep is still there, which it was. The fenki grins some and tosses the rock to land on the far side of the trep. The trep having been startled by the sound of the rock landing starts to run. It runs away from the rock heading just where the fenki hoped; towards her.
The fenki times it just right and jumps down from the tree’s limb to land right on the trep. While landing she extends her claws while grabbing either side of the trep’s head. Trying to take it down easily and fast. The rep feeling the pain changes directions causing the fenki to nearly lose her grip, though she manages to stay on the trep’s back.
She reaches down as the trep keeps running and grabs a rock as they pass over it. She sighs having dislike using anything other then her own claws and swings with both paws, hitting the rock on the trep’s head as hard as she can.
The trep’s face runs down into the ground from the force hitting it and it flips over, though it rolls over top of the fenki who made sure to land in such a way she does not get hurt. But as the trep rolls over her, she grunts.
The trep does not move after it stops rolling. The fenki approaches the trep silently and carefully. As she moves near the trep does not move. The fenki grabs a bigger rock while moving closer. Just in case.
When she gets close she smells than sees the blood coming from the trep from where her claws had dug in and from where the rock hit. She grins.
She whispers to herself “Looks like I will not have to go hungry tonight.”
She leans down and looks at the trep closely. And she moves around it and then slowly using her claws cuts it open, she slowly pulls out the trep’s heart. She smiles softly to her self.
She moves away from the trep, and while she walks she starts to eat the trep’s heart. After she finishes it and cleans her lips and paws from the blood of the creature. She climbs up a near by tree and curls up, trying to get comfortable. Once she does she quickly drifts off to sleep.