aw man this is one badass pony i love it i love those mean red eyes the all the black body ,mane and the loooooong tail i love the thin white line like i said i love her i'm kind of a brony so i dig this stuff
aw man this is one badass pony i love it i love those mean red eyes the all the black body ,mane and
AAaaaaaand another one who will now use a fandom to garner attention they don't need since they're already so deserving of attention. You really didnt need to do this we love your art you didn't need to stoop to childish levels and make something just because everyone else was doing it to get the attention of a ridiculous fanbase that proves time and time again to be easily amused, But its okay it's your own fault and we'll probably forgive you eventually.
AAaaaaaand another one who will now use a fandom to garner attention they don't need since they're a
Haha, wow dude. a) This isn't the first time I've drawn MLP stuff, a year ago I spent a week or two drawing quite a bit. b) This isn't to "garner attention", this is for my own amusement, so how about you get off your high horse for a couple minutes.
Haha, wow dude. a) This isn't the first time I've drawn MLP stuff, a year ago I spent a week or two