And now here is your t-shirt design for those going to Biggest Little Fur Con in Reno on May 3-5!
For this one I just used the 20's avid attitude for dancing for the design. I looked at some dancing that came from that era, and ultimately loved the Lindy Hop the most, so I hope I depicted that clearly enough on the shirt! The color scheme was color picked using Kuler and a few art deco posters from the 1920's. I'm surprised at how much positive response I've gotten from this t-shirt design, so I'm glad a lot of people like it so far. :)
My next submission will (hopefully) be the con book cover art! I am running short on time for it, but I am feeling mostly confident I will have it done on time.
Btw, you only have like 3.5 weeks left to register at pre-reg rates for BLFC; it's only $30 for the weekend, and the hotel is super affordable too.