Yeah i tried to make him ambiguous so it would fit regardless of gender i made him but i think i will make a male mainly because i keep refering to it as a himx] although the name "Ruby" kinda sounds like a girls name
Yeah i tried to make him ambiguous so it would fit regardless of gender i made him but i think i wil
Those are all very cute names haha x] Maybe your right though maybe ruby will work if i associate's the name with the gem moreso then the gender, but yeah i think he will be a boy. as for clothing i havnt really thought about it. youve been quite helpful so far what do you thinkx]? maybe something cute like a robe or maybe a shirt and shorts or shirt and underwear? I just had the idea of him being an a skin suit haha x]
Those are all very cute names haha x] Maybe your right though maybe ruby will work if i associate's
That sounds like it would fit really well actually especially due to his cutesy nature. a robe with a cute design on it like stars or something. XD thanks dude youve been like uber helpful
That sounds like it would fit really well actually especially due to his cutesy nature. a robe with