Gotta love those random lava pits that appear in caves in MineCraft! Either you're digging straight down, mis-step and trip in, or an enemy hits you and you go flying into one -- you gotta totally love it either way! And it makes it better when you're caring a ton of diamonds or iron ore haha!
One time I had like 5 diamonds on me and I fell into a lava pit [well, I either fell or a skeleton shot me into it, haha] and lost EVERYTHING. Needless to say... I was fucking pissed lmao
Same. One time I had like 5 diamonds on me and I fell into a lava pit [well, I either fell or a sk
I don't play Minecraft but similar has happened to me in other games. One that stands out to me is while playing Left 4 Dead 2: One time a Charger came at me and sent me and him off a ship and into the water.
That annoyed expression is so funny. I don't play Minecraft but similar has happened to me in othe
I was playing on hardcore mode (die and your world is deleted) found a lava pit, diamonds teasing me on the other side. I saw a one-block gap and tried to jump it. failed.
I was playing on hardcore mode (die and your world is deleted) found a lava pit, diamonds teasing me
this makes me go "fuck it, i'm moving to terraria :<"
theres a mod out there that puts your inventory in a chest (as long as you are holding a chest) and places it inworld, so you can recover your items. it can be annoying if the chest ends up under lava, but with enough work, and a bucket of water you can generally recover it.
always carry a bucket of water. i just turn lava into obsidian as i find it xD
this makes me go "fuck it, i'm moving to terraria :<" theres a mod out there that puts your invento
You all should totally hop on the server I play on, you would have a blast. Main Server IP: We also have a Tekkit server/Adventuremap server/Creativemaps(using plots)/ FeedTheBeast(mindcrack) Server, and much more.
The owner there is Brad, he's super cool.
You all should totally hop on the server I play on, you would have a blast. Main Server IP: play.t
cutee! little does thy know he cannot swim in lava without losing all the goods he has collected. xD i love all ur work it super cool! Wish i had a cool program to make my art fantasticle like urs..
cutee! little does thy know he cannot swim in lava without losing all the goods he has collected. xD