Donate to paypal : super_fly_4ever[at]
to help keep the comic coming along nicley.
Well. YES the entire page is done, now we just need to colur it n all that! WOHO!
Okay so you people know now, the dept, is still in the wether with paper work BUT I have with my own power plus donations gatherd up the amount needed to pay for it n all that.
That any and all donations now go directly in to the comic. so ladies and gents, thanks to your help you successively UN-delayed the entire comic. so pat yourselfs on the back becouse if not it would be AT LEAST probebly more then 6 months without family secrets.
THAT SAID, im still in the economical situation as always wich means, Donations are super helpfull and keep the comic coming more then just once a month
and as a last cock tease il just say this
The main event is here! >:3
12 years, 1 month ago
10 Feb 2013 15:57 CET
Initial: 4369d4df8a246a71c8ef873c0ff0caea
Full Size: a93abbd26595c638dab90f2e0106572f
Large: 7621d5338274d4044fa3906f3d93b097
Small: 30a6ac79c800a28421d905b4f4db4259
16 favorites