My fursona Xai the raccoon in a very comfy place. I just drew this for fun and i love how it turned out. the slimy stuff took ages to do.
The snake isn't planning on digesting him... probably XD or maybe it will hehe anyway it just wanted the satisfaction of swallowing him, and he gets to enjoy the pleasure of being eaten and in a nice comfy stomach and will probably be let out later. weather he consented to this happening or is just enjoying his fate is up to you, as he is partially hypnotized so it could go either way.
I'm not that great at it ^-^; sometimes i base them of actual snake breeds, and sometiems they're just random patterns and colours of a green or brown range or sometiems grays or other darker colours
I'm not that great at it ^-^; sometimes i base them of actual snake breeds, and sometiems they're ju