Fffff, my girl really knows how to spoil me.. this is apperantly part 2 of 4 of my valentine gifts... seriously, this is so goddamn amazing.. the pose is beyond adorable, the way she's grabbing my foot is just so.. so.. so cute, those two pain in the behind pichu's really complete the whole drawing, I love the emotions, the expressions and espescially the way the eyes are drawn... it's so... wow... thank you baby, for being such.. such.. such an amazing girlfriend.. you're so goddamn perfect it's not even funny.
Oh my god hun, you give me such amazing comments on Facebook, then come here within a minute and write up another paragraph of compliments, you seriously make me blush beyond belief with such simple drawings like this... <3
Oh my god hun, you give me such amazing comments on Facebook, then come here within a minute and wri
Everyone has their preferences, Pokemon has always had a special place in my heart, being the very reason I started drawing and all, it never stops giving me inspiration.
Everyone has their preferences, Pokemon has always had a special place in my heart, being the very r
It is nothing against Pokemon. They are well made games. I just stared playing other RPGs with more depth to them like Fallout and Final Fantasy and just kind of lost interest in Pokemon.
It is nothing against Pokemon. They are well made games. I just stared playing other RPGs with more