So I've had the idea of including a froakie character in the Neververse for quite a while, but I haven't really been able to flesh one out enough. Until now.
Meet Codacia (Code-ah-see-uh)! She appears in the later chapters of Never as Bane's moral support and main cheerer upper, helping him overcome a lot of emotional issues with her positive outlook and wise advice. Also she has a slight thing for him, but doesn't make him aware of it since she knows he won't be interested.
Codacia is very jolly and loves to laugh, even (or especially) at her own jokes. When not cracking up just because she can, she speaks with a moderately strong Southern accent, which Bane is a fan of.
I might add more distinct features to her appearance as time goes by, but for now, this is how she looks. El enjoyo~
12 years ago
04 Feb 2013 05:42 CET
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