Growing up Bunny
By Bunny Cub
This story and the charactors in it are copyrighted to Bunny Cub
Warning the story contains material of a sexual nature between male cubs. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further. Thank you for reading and please enjoy
The house is quiet as Timmy sits at the computer giggling to himself as he passes the time. Timmy, an eleven-year-old bunny cub, decided it would be a nice break from things if he played sick today. Since both his parents work all day that meant the normally shy, scrawny little bunny had the run of the house. He'd spent a good portion of the morning on the family computer just goofing around, typing in keywords to see what things the Internet could dredge up now that no one was peering over his shoulder. With a few lazy keystrokes he enters a search never realizing it might just change his world forever. Scanning the links as the search engine spits them out he clicks on one at random. As the screen loads the young boy's eyes go wide with wonder at the site he beholds.
Now Timmy had seen naughty pictures before, one of the older guys at school had snuck in a magazine he found in his big brothers room, but these pictures were different. In the ones the guys at school passed around there were ladies with no clothes on, and despite his getting older Timmy still thought girls were icky. But there weren't any girls here, Just picture after picture of naked bunny men, touching each other, kissing each other, licking each other, and so many more things. He went through the sight looking at picture after picture, watching movie after movie. He didn't know what to make of it but he knew he liked it. With a movie running he starts to daydream as on the screen a big throbbing cock stretched open some groaning and moaning bunny's tail hole, another fur soon fills that muzzle too. Watching those lips wrapped around that thick fleshy rod little Timmy's mouth starts to water, he idly starts sucking on his thumb, wondering what that must be like. In the back of his mind he also wonders what makes that bunny so happy to have his rear pounded like that, and he swears he'll find out. He jerks from his daze realizing that his own bunny cock was rock hard and drooling in his pj's. One paw wraps around it and he starts to stroke it like the guys on the screen sometimes do. He doesn't last long. Moaning and panting as he quickly brings himself to his first orgasm, coating his paw with his sticky seed. Pulling his cream coated paw from his pajama bottoms he stares fascinated. He wants to know what it's like but he's scared. He slowly licks his paw clean, suckling on his fingers as he finds he likes the taste and wants every single drop. Shy little Timmy purrs softly as he savors the taste of his own seed. He won