Simply Virtuoso: AD
Episode 1: Departure
After recovering from the battle of Dandarido City and being credited for saving the city, she came under controversy from the citizens that she was the reason Dandarido City was attacked and our scene begins at the gates of Dandarido City as our hero is being confronted by the mayor.
Sarah said “Virtuoso, it comes to my attention that everyone here agrees that you were the reason for the attack on Dandarido City and it’s my duty as mayor to not have trouble and it’s up to me to…” Blueberry then interrupted her shouting “You’re going to exile her? She saved the city and drove back the attackers.” Sarah then said in comment to Blueberry “She also drove them to come here so I’m exiling her from Dandarido City and she is never to return ever. Now get out, Virtuoso.”
After what Sarah said, Virtuoso left without a good bye to her friends, Blueberry and Stella and only with the clothes on her back, which was her purple dress, princess gloves, Penitatas Collar, and heels. Blueberry tries to go after her, but Mia grabs her by the ears saying “The world is dangerous and you’re my little one, we have to accept this because I’m one of the few that believes she had no part in them coming, but the majority rules. If Danny and Dawn were here, they’d defend Virtuoso.”
Outside of Dandarido City, Virtuoso without supplies to even live she says to herself “Man traveling alone sucks, but my punishment is the same. I wish I had some supplies with me.” She walks, until she sees Fort Tokongaroga Crater remembering her battle with Paul, the real reason for the attack, she wonders how she will cross it, but hunger get to her and she collapses from hunger and all went black.
A few days later, she woke up in Farmido Village, a small farming settlement outside the Dandarido Mountain Ring. When Virtuoso woke up she was in a small shack belonging to one of the poorest families in Farmido Village and quickly got up as a little girl says “You’re awake.” Virtuoso sees the girl saying “Thanks, but I must go because I’m an exile.” Virtuoso rushes off and resumes her exile and stumbles onto a group of exiles from other cities and was invited to stay with them, but she accepted supplies and rejected them saying “My crime is far too great than yours. I caused a war and I must not be allowed to travel with anyone.”