Been a long time since we got any form of animated Remstomps! That's really well done for not having done it in so long honestly, great work! Nice smashery and the movement of her stomps is fairly fluid! The camera stomp at the end is nicely executed as well with the tread motion!
Super cool to see!
Hahahaahaha THE RETURN OF ALLOY ANIMATION Been a long time since we got any form of animated Remst
Ooooooh, now this is something I like a lot! Rem traffic stomping, but also coming towards the camera~ Looks like we were caught in her path. This is excellent Alloy! Super awesome! I'm sure this is killing your wrists, but appreciate what you have done and do hope you continue~
Ooooooh, now this is something I like a lot! Rem traffic stomping, but also coming towards the camer