Our little Heiress,
Where did we go so wrong with you? Our name is rivaled in the history books only by the Naga Lords, limited by their ambition to exist only for a few short years. You could see riches beyond conquest. Power that outlives politics. And yet your mother weeps for your flights of fancy in vanity. I know this experiment in self love was a mere curiosity but it borderlines madness. To have mortals masquerade as you in a parade of self importance. I know our family is a little proud and possess a taste for the theatrics, but your idea of where you've taken it has become selfish and perverse. Your mother and I ache for the bright eyed muffin we used to toast to. The little girl who sat on my knee as I soaked in the lost works of Kant, as you slowly drifted off to sleep. The one who clung to her stuffed doe Rosebud and practiced sinking her teeth in just the right spot. The ballet recitals we still play to remind ourselves how much we love you. I implore you, humbly, not only as a member of the Vaim family, but as a father who cares deeply for his wayward daughter, to cease this roguish behavior and come back to the primary manor, so that we may continue our family's work together. Your Great Grandfather is willing to put this dark chapter aside. Just come home. Please.
-Amdis Vaim IV
Dearest Father,
Your crocodile tears leaves my disposition blithely taciturn. If our arrogance truly does define our bloodline, you are far a greater display of it than I. You recall my indentured pirouettes into the performances fitting of a good little girl, yet your honeyed words dance with amusing grace. I regret to inform you have educated me far too well to not see the performing monkey your grandfather has forced to write in his stead. The Vaimlings I sculpt is but a gorgeous reflection I cherish as much as the one in the mirror. You should be proud to have borne the apex of what our bloodline shall have. I do not hold ill tidings against you, Father. I merely decided to step out of the cave Great pappy would have us stay in forever. The shadows were upside down, much like his traditions. I would rather spend the rest of my life with my own beauty staring back, instead of cowering beside the boorish shoulders of my uncles and aunts. perhaps I will make the next address far more challenging. You always delighted in brain teasers, perhaps you'll stomach one above your standard fare of playground riddles.
My pleasure, and nobody else's.
Selene was beloved just like her brother. Doted on by the whole of the Vaim family. Talked about, held like a trophy of what a proper Vaim heir would present themselves as. It was all so very boring.
We've all seen it. The parents who raised their child like a crop. one to trim and cultivate and feed with all the doting insistence of a prize farmer. Until the day will come where they become an adult and the parents can reap their harvest in the form of all the unrealized dreams and goals they could never attain themselves. Not Vincent, and certainly not Selene.
Selene learned to love herself. Her TRUE self. not the facade her parents built around her to hold up. And when she grew to see what she could be, she decided she'd never go back.
perhaps one day there will be more of her than the whole of her family.
I was gifted this a while back. I needed time to think of the best way to portray this. perhaps a glance of what she looked like before.
artwork by Arath Hernandez
stuffed animal
i get the feeling she was one of those little girls that made everyone's lives worse with a smile
2 days, 6 hrs ago
19 Mar 2025 12:10 CET
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