Micro fairy fennec Etheras, smollest of all the fenns. ^.^
----- In case you're wondering why I post green fairy Etheras for Saint Patrick's Day, Fairies are a big part of Irish superstition and folklore. One of the most famous Irish authors, WB Yeats, was kind-of obsessed with them, and traveled the country collecting stories from the peasantry, and compiled them into a book, "Irish Fairy Tales and Folklore". Its an interesting compilation (available on Amazon and other major book-sellers!)
Yeats was an interesting fellow, and has the dubious honor of being the man who kicked Aleister Crowley down a flight of stairs for being a weird evil creep. They were members of the same cult at the time (Golden Dawn). But most of them were just LARPing. Crowley was not. So he got YEATED (is that where that term comes from?) from the cult and down a flight of stairs by Yeats's shoe. Whereupon Crowley scampered off and made his own cult, and any moderating influence of the LARPers was lost, and the rest is history.
Artwork by Jailbird Etheras the Fennec (c) www.etheras.com !
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