Been a while since we’ve seen this little darling, huh? Well, he’s still around and just as endearing as ever.
One thing about Champ that I thought a while ago is where he lives. And to answer that question, he actually lives with Gamer the Dark Elf, of all people. Some time ago, Gamer came across the Sonic Adventure games and adored the Chao Gardens that were available in them. So much that he used his magic to make a real Chao of his own to raise and love. And he loved Champ so much that the little guy reincarnated more than once. Now he’s reached the status of an Eternal Chao, so he’ll be living just as long as his Master/Owner/Big Brother. Ain’t these two lucky?
What’s one lovable magical creature without another to hang out with? Gamer’s not the only one who adores the little ghost chicken, cause Myra’s taken a shine to him too. The Ganja Genie often gives head pats, belly rubs, cheek kisses and snacks to the little darling. And Champ in turn affectionately calls her Big Sis Myra, and will often accompany her for fun and adventure. Quite the pair, aren’t they?
Champ: “Oh boy, it’s Big Sis Myra! What kind of fun are we gonna have today? And uh… can I have a slice of that too, please?”