I had time to doodle at work. Bintunia doing artsy stuff. Tried to draw her mid-move but I am still lacking energy/dynamic. Also tried to draw a pussy on her but it looked stupid from this position.
Changed her design a bit. She has no arm rings and got an ear piece the shape of a yin-yang. Her trainer has the other half as necklace. And of course her dirty tail cloth.
Also, Mokey Fraggle used to paint with her tail all the time. There was even an episode where she was holding a cursed brush, blocking her hands where painting with her tail was the only way to save herself. http://muppet.wikia.com/wiki/Episode_408:_A_Brush_with...
And lastly I am pretty sure I recal a cartoon drawing with its tail in some of the early black and white cartoons (although I can't give you an example).
Be careful with the XX did YY first (apart from that they are generally as stupid as "First!" posts) . Hardly any idea is 100% original and many people can have similar ideas independtly from each other. And the idea to use a tail to paint is so obvious that it hardly is a great achievement to think of it.
Actually GameFreak did it first. More than 13 years ago when Generation II pokemon came out. If tha