A jabby reminder the artist said this comic will end in the "light zone" aparently but so far it seems it's down the dark drain for Prometheus boyo here
A jabby reminder the artist said this comic will end in the "light zone" aparently but so far it see
Leeeeets see here, Prometheus JUST very likely lost both his wife and his kid, had his memory temporarily removed, lost his tail and his temper AND just had his leg broken, yeah sure, looks very "light" to me so far 100%.
*Checks notes* Leeeeets see here, Prometheus JUST very likely lost both his wife and his kid, had h
I mean, you can still be horribly disemboweled and eviscerated to shreds and brought to a cold and brutal, traumatizing end in a brightly colored or lit room! 👍
I mean, you can still be horribly disemboweled and eviscerated to shreds and brought to a cold and b
Sometimes the endings we take to the path of happiness aren't as you expect. A good ending in Prometheus' mind might be drastically different from that of you or I or anyone else's view of a good ending. Realistically, he's happier getting the shit beat out of him with his head on his shoulders than wandering around aimlessly with no memory. Spartan life was a lot different from every other culture at the time out there.
Sometimes the endings we take to the path of happiness aren't as you expect. A good ending in Promet
problem is when you promise someone a 'light ending' you aren't promising the charicters in the story that you are making that promise to the readers and need to expect that they will view that from their own lens, a bittersweet ending where the mc dies with his boots on is not what most readers would be considered 'light' thats very heavy
now im not saying that would be a 'bad' ending ,far from it, its in keeping with the story, world, and character that has been built up but it would not be in any way shape or form light, a 'light' ending would be him being able to at least move on and find contentment in life somewhere else, or at best find that his family is still alive and being able to return to them, with the former again being more in keeping with the tone and theme that has been built up here.
problem is when you promise someone a 'light ending' you aren't promising the charicters in the stor
Thinking about it more, you have a point. I personally think it's a happy ending because Prometheus is happy and the situation he is in is good (to him and his culture). I can't predict how many people will think it's a happy ending or not. I think it's a light ending because the main characters aren't miserable or in awful situations in the end. It might look like a dark ending right now because the story hasn't concluded.
Thinking about it more, you have a point. I personally think it's a happy ending because Prometheus
After reading both Prysms and your replies I can now understand your point more clearly, though I personally can not accept it as a light ending, it´s an end that Prometheus may preffer in such a case, the proud warrior that would rather die in battle than of old age is not something I am exactly interested in
One thing for both Blaze and Dream, no I was not trying to manipulate the view or art direction of the artist, I was seeking an answer to my confusion albeit in a rash manner attacking me like that only shows your lack of reasonability and patience, Grim is calm, composed and doing his best to show his own view, even if I don´t agree with it on a personal level, I can accept it and respect it, I was being sarcastic because of a selfish wish for Prometheus story ending with an actually somewhat happy ending even though I know Grim doesn´t work that way, most of his ends are either bittersweet or dark the only thing for me to do is accept such, so that is how it shall be since he´s shown he´s a respectable person with patience, unlike you two.
After reading both Prysms and your replies I can now understand your point more clearly, though I pe
No. Prometheus would rather die in battle knowing himself than to live to old age knowing nothing. That is a symbol of his culture that has been talked about a lot. This is something seen in every culture of human life. People would rather die of something else than to die of dementia, which strips you of who you are, makes you a shell of your former self. Knowledge is needed for Haxorus to evolve. A Haxorus who knows nothing lives for nothing culturally. It's not a life worth living, to them. That being said, since story predictions cause so much annoyance, I will no longer reveal a story's ending on a good or a bad note.
No. Prometheus would rather die in battle knowing himself than to live to old age knowing nothing.
The point was that it's about as stupid as was your attempt at a joke, or should I laugh when somebody is getting stabbed to death the next time I am browsing through the internet or see it on the TV ?
The point was that it's about as stupid as was your attempt at a joke, or should I laugh when somebo
I can see you've had a bad day, as that last half came out of absolutely nowhere, but I guess my original quip was a little too silly. Sorry if I made you upset; I'm still hoping things will look better for Prometheus, too.
I can see you've had a bad day, as that last half came out of absolutely nowhere, but I guess my or
*heavy sigh* not a bad day, I don't really like where the comic is going, it doesn't make it a bad comic though a good artist can spurn emotions from the heart of the viewer both positive and negative based on what the art is meant to depict, I like Primetheus, hate the idea of him very likely dying in tbe next few pages, to me all that above that's happening is senseless violence caused by a stupid chain of events that lead to near-genocide of the haxorus species (my personal favorite pokemon), I'm taking this harder than I should be since they're all just fictive characters, and yet here I am being spiteful moron, always used to act with my heart before using that brain in my head ^^; thank you for the disengagement, and for what its worth, sorry for bein an ass
*heavy sigh* not a bad day, I don't really like where the comic is going, it doesn't make it a bad c
the irony or sad truth is that we and him dont actually know if they killed his daughter, all we saw was the bisharp with the flower. we dont know if he killed them or just took it and haxorous never had a time to check. after killing the bisharp he immediately was captured and brainwashed. for all we know she could be alive and thinking her parent died
the irony or sad truth is that we and him dont actually know if they killed his daughter, all we saw