One time, I was watching a recent MariKyun art prompt challenge (that was compiled from her Twitch) and myself being free from a shift that day, I went and do the usual challenge to push off art block (or lack of motivation): Find the nearest knick knack or merch good and draw said character. I was in a Kyoko Yamate mood (cause I do own a keychain of her) and am in the mood to go "edgelord" mode with the concept of Ultimate Despair from Danganrompa (franchise). I was also a bit turned on by the corruption/dark-conversion kink I have and channel those feelings into a SFW piece of fanart! Plus: I don't have a audience-friendly piece of her... So here it is!
Oh yea. Thanks to Alina Usagemu for giving me more washi tape to play with, lol