Growing up in Ecruteak City, Striker would attend Tanabata every year with his family. Though he hadn't gone in recent years upon reaching adulthood, he decided to change that this year, and he knew the perfect person to invite: his Arcanine friend Cole.
With the blessing of Cole's girlfriend Serenity, Striker brought him back to that rustic Johto city to celebrate the festival. Cole was very agreeable to this. After all, a festival meant eating some amazingly delicious streetfood. And not to mention keeping his best friend company to boot!
As the festival neared its end, the first of the climactic fireworks began booming in the skies, disrupting the commotion below as the colorful explosions illuminated the sky and framed the famous Bell Tower in their light.
These fireworks were the signal for those with lovers to embrace and kiss, openly showing their devotion to each other. Striker couldn't help but glance around at everyone else, and his heart sank a little. Cole, meanwhile, was watching the fireworks with awe, his tail wagging excitedly.
Frustration took hold of the Jolteon as he watched everyone with their partners. He wanted to experience that too, after all! So he did the only thing he could think of at the moment:
He grabbed the lapels of Cole's yukata and yanked the Arcanine down to muzzle level. Cole's eyes went wide from that, but he had no time to react as Striker quickly pushed their muzzles together, kissing Cole under the fireworks' light.