Will I ever see a day—a glimpse—a moment That returns to me the light I sorely lack?
The happiness of a bright morning alerts of its own presence It bleeds through the blinds, and it falls upon the sill…motionless I am inclined to rise, but the brightness has yet to receive my attention I simply prepare…routinely…redundantly to continue my ignorance
My exit…yes…from my home as I proceed with the day Nothing with the world is wrong—it is just as heavy as I had left it
The birds fly South, looking to chase their freedom Perhaps I should buy some thin rope, as if they would be able to lift me there Wishful thinking takes me for a ride—if only it were for longer Perhaps…I should buy some thin rope
The roads are still cracked—they are full of holes at every view I have never felt so understood
The big, happy ball in the air continues to spectate I cannot tell whether to feel vindicated or taunted If I am to be stalked, like prey Jump—just pounce already!
A run to get caffeine is in order, I go to reassure myself I focus on coffee…but my mind needs a different energy
I pass by a playground, full of color and activity Peaceful—free—vacant My feelings of vacancy and confusion have never been so intimate with each other I carry on…
As I pass by the nearest stoplight, a robotic voice tells me I’m being recorded “For your safety” my ass…what is there to be saved?
In this moment, I hear the cries of those who love me They are preaching to me from afar to remain strong and steadfast I instinctively grab my phone as if to say: “What…what strength do you believe I wield to keep carrying?”
Instead of my contacts, I look up a menu—I was just approaching the café I can’t be out in society without reason, after all. That would be indecent
I sit down at a table for two, as there were no tables for any less set up Not like the deep isolation would loosen if I had a solo table Everyone behind the counter who knows me expects me to order a sweetened latte Then the calm in the air became one of concern as I requested cold brew…black
I rhetorically question myself as to what the problem is with black cold brew It’s soul energy, meant for the heart…my heart…my veins
I leave, caffeine source in hand, as I hear the nearby train’s horn calling to me How rude would it be of me to not say hello to my favorite method of…transport? I see it off, headed to its next destination—I watch the tracks as it speeds into the distance Those well built, sturdy tracks…how tantalizing
A minibus arrives upon having made its round, and I hop on board to go back home Nobody followed my lead…how familiar
The ride dragged on, as the vessel took me by the old playground again Through the windows of the bus wall, I notice a content family by the swingset It is safe for people to come out of their homes and to live life For the beast was being hauled back to its eternal prison
I return home, and sit down at my desk to write—to think I sought to think about how I got to this position
Every memory—emotion—theory…all fell on deaf ears For it makes little sense to give audial focus to irrelevant vibrations I then blink—with the bleeding sun having dried up upon me opening my eyes Leading myself to bed…then I recognize the circle of love
I absorb this love from the Heavens, and wonder where I could buy a ticket We all could use a trip to somewhere better…couldn’t we?