The usual crowd had been thinning of late, but there were still plenty of opulent patrons still around for A Midsummer Night's Dream at the St. Andrews Grand Theatre. There'd been a few harsh words and glares at a pair of punk dressed woodpeckers, but they'd paid for their tickets like anyone else. They'd taken seats in the center of the audience, though anyone nearby was edging away from them even before the play started. The rich had settled down enough to focus on the stage instead of the rabble. Things were progressing quite well and the play was entrancing enough to remove any suspicion. The lights turned on rather abruptly, and the woodpeckers stood up. They were... noticeably bigger and several gasps were heard before the first one spoke. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I love to break it to ya, but this show has been pretty boring. I think all you rich folks deserve something... bigger." The pair of avians surged up in size, crackling the empty seats around them. Gasps of shock and fear seized the crowd, some rose, but none of them were prepared for the surge of avian authority bringing their world to an abrupt end. Cries of alarm were silenced beneath the crushing weight of Bird. One took a seat on the upper level of the theater, further crushing dozens of shocked patrons before they could react. The other sat down hard on the crowd and propped an elbow up, the balcony struggling to hold the new weight. He scooted hard to the right, silencing dozens more screams in seconds. He propped a massive foot up on the stage, partially blocking the spotlight on the stunned actor now cowering in fear. "Now don't you worry, li'l donk. You're cool. Lemme just quiet this rabble down a bit and we'll let you finish in just a sec." Any complaints from the crowd were dealt with swiftly. The entire room had been obliterated by massive avians, and the bigger one tapped on the wall twice. The lights dimmed back down and the massive foot was removed from the stage. "Now, where were we... Oh yes. Please continue." He gave a wicked grin and leaned forwards. "The show must go on, yes?"