I upload every Monday, Wednesday and Friday over there, plus other days sometimes when I have stuff to share. And I have BIG plans for this year, including some brand new, fully colored comics!
5$ tier gets access to all my finished comics, comic pages and illustrations. 10$ gets access to all wips, sketches, progress vids and more. 12$ gets everything PLUS voting rights on anything I need to decide (who will fuck whom? what am I working on next? should I finish something or nah?) 50$ gets everything, double votes PLUS a sketch page of their choosing EVERY MONTH (can even be a comic page if u want)
"Now I know I'm holding this in front of me like it's my dick, but it's actually a MAP! See, I even labeled it so some people don't try sucking on it and ruin the paper!"
"Now I know I'm holding this in front of me like it's my dick, but it's actually a MAP! See, I even