Oh wow, this POV is fantastic! I'm a huge fan of the outcome, especially with the extra grayscaling you added, wow! Extreme POV is rare as it is, much less destructive strides! The pierced truck is detailed surprisingly thoroughly given the sketchiness, and has a nice feeling of motion to it shifting along with the movement of her massive leg! The high heeled boot going right through it looks great too, and is shaped nicely! I love the sheer sense of verticality as one's gaze travels up her towering leg, amazing foreshortening there! And the Wakamobutt too, that's downright -superb- hahahaha. I approve immensely. Nice large and fluffy tail right above it as well!
I'm impressed with the posing, it's really hard to get someone making weighty steps to feel right visually as it is, even before the super low angle, but you nailed it with aspects like the arm movement and turning of her body mixed in! I love the smirky grin visible underneath her mask as well, great touch!
Awesome work, and wonderful to see another Blue Archive piece from you! Glad you liked the effort enough yourself to go back and add a bit more!
Oh wow, this POV is fantastic! I'm a huge fan of the outcome, especially with the extra grayscaling