That gamer boy stink be palpable! I love the attention to the character you gave, as you even kept the schtick of his hands being covered by his very long sleeves! He's just as cute and focused on his video game, as you are down below, gawking at the spineosaurus kid's supple, sweaty dino feet that tower over you. Getting the smell deeply in tune with your nostrils as you are forced to soak it all in from such proximity as his sweaty sock is 'miles' ahead of you on the fuzzy purple carpet. Any bit of jostling from the cute gamer boi shall only have his beads of sweat trickle and flick off from his massive feet and crash down against the floor. All to be absorbed into the tufts of carpet. I love the foggy smell drifting about from his stuffy feet! <3 The light hazing of the screen on the upper portion of the art piece has me sniffing it. His toes are so tiny in this viewpoint compared to the gamer's collassol soles. And I love that one of his worn white socks is still partly on, dangling around his toesies. The throat of the sock just dangling, able to be swung around from the lad's energetic gaming twitching expressing moments during his gaming. Really like that the tufts of carpet fibers even reach a bit to his heels, further showing how miniscule you are as a babysitter compared to this cute lad. You are literally smaller than those tufts of fiber around his heels. So sweaty too. Again...h-hot. I didn't even know this brat was in the visual novel but you sure made me glad he is! <3
That gamer boy stink be palpable! I love the attention to the character you gave, as you even kept t