Keith is a pretty normal arctic fox, if you don’t count his tail. He’s got white fur that turns grey towards his extremities, sapphire blue eyes, and pink pawpads. The only odd thing about him (physically, anyways) is his aquatic tail. He’ll quite frequently refer to it as a fish tail, but it’s more similar to a marine mammal’s. Funnily enough, he doesn’t like the water, so he’ll remain in the shallows if he gets in at all.
He’s got a huge spirit for adventure, and prefers less crowded areas., Often he finds himself exploring through forests, tide pools- even swamps! With a camera, notebook, and a backpack full of snacks, he can spend all day happily enjoying nature before coming home and collapsing into the nest of pillows on his bed.
Cooking, aquariums, and plants make up the majority of his hobbies. In his free time, he’s usually dedicating himself to one of these if he’s not taking a nap.