Character Sheet for Ryune Iruga
Ryune is very strong willed, with a sense of honor commonly know as the "knights of the round" mentality,hes protective of his friends and loved ones, and can either be very easy going or very stern and commanding. in addition he has a very short temper so try not to make him angry.
Ryune loves to train and can often be seen sneaking off to do so, he also likes afternoon naps, lush forests, hot stone soup, and lava pools
Ryune HATES punks and bullies and they often flair up his temper, he also hates, squid, species purists, mud, wool, and cold water.
Ryune is an only child raised in the community nest of his village and raised by the village elders in the dragon capital to be the protector of the dragon race they wanted. he often considers his first swords master Marlin Tran to be his father though there's no blood relation.
Ryunes world is HUGE with the mojority being mountains and sprawling forest in proportions several times larger than the earth, his world has 2 continents genovia (geno-via) the primary continant covered mostly in forest with huge planes to the north were the avians live in their floating cities, a massive mountain in the center where the wyrms make their homes and nobody dares go, and the east where humans build their empire and encroach on the forest filled with the kanine, feline and many of the dragon clans with the capital sitting on the westernmost shore. the second continent being a desert in the south, a marsh in the east and the rest a wasteland covered in volcanic spires, people know life exists on the second continent but are afraid to venture there.
Black dragon with a red belly and red and purple marking over his body,his wing covered in red and purple markings of micro tears.
thin but with extremely dense muscle allowing for hidden strength, the mark on his left shoulder (shown under his name in the picture) is magic based and allows him arcane control of elemental dragonic abilities.
Ryune usually requires no clothing but he is very partial to armor, this has gotten him mocked in modern a timeline but he ignores it. his armor is silver and gold, emblazoned with his mark on the back, wing covers and chest. the armor is also mostly made of layered plates much like scales so as not to hinder his agile movements.
Ryune wears a black steel pendent lined with deep magics and iron to keep his near uncontrollable magical abilities in check the pendant shows a triangle or serpentine dragons with one curled in the center but has a large crack in the center showing the inside is hollow and filled with strange magic symbols, when utilizing all of his power the pendant is filled with a bright light.
he also carries a greatsword at his hip clipping to his swordbelt without a sheath for easy access. and a Zanbatou strapped to his back in a similar fashion. Because of his dense muscle and slim form his equipment looks odd on him though he can easily swing both with one hand and wield both at the same time if need be catching most starting a fight off guard.