The sun crept above the horizon, casting long golden streaks across the racetrack. Colby stood near the edge of the pit with a stopwatch in paw, his sharp eyes following Wind Swiftly’s car as it zipped around the course. The roar of her engine reverberated in the cool morning air, growing louder as she approached the final turn.
“C’mon, push it! You’ve got this!” Colby shouted encouragingly.
Wind skidded slightly as she came out of the corner but maintained control, speeding down the straightaway and zooming across the finish line at top speed before braking to a smooth stop in front of him.
“Well?” she asked as she pulled her helmet off, her tail wagging expectantly.
Colby glanced down at the stopwatch.
“Shaved off a whole second from last time. Not bad at all.”
“Finally!” she laughed and hopped out, leaning against her car. “That turn’s been killing me for weeks!”
“You’re getting there,” Colby complimented with a nod. “It’s all about keeping your focus steady, even when the pressure’s on.”
“I’ve gotta say,” Wind hesitated, running her paw along the hood of her car. “Thanks for… all this. Not just the tips, but, y’know… just spending time with me. It’s nice.”
“No problem.” Colby tilted his head, sensing the shift in her tone.
“It’s funny,” Wind chuckled softly, looking down. “I always try so hard to seem like I’ve got it all together, like I’m this super-cool, confident racer. But honestly? Most of the time, I feel like no one even notices me unless I’m winning.”
“Winning’s not the only thing that makes people notice you, Wind,” Colby said as he nudged her arm. “Sam Whippet’s gotten into your head.”
She met his gaze, her expression a mixture of gratitude and vulnerability. “Maybe. I guess it’s easy to forget when you’re always chasing the spotlight.”
“You don’t have to chase it so hard.” Colby gave her a reassuring smile. “The right people notice you for who you are, not just what you accomplish.”
Wind blinked, then gave him a smirk without saying a word.
“...What?” Colby replied.
“Nothing, just… you’ve got something on your cheek. Right there.”
Instinctively, Colby wiped his cheek with his paw. “Did I get it?”
“Nope,” said Wind. “Let me see?”
Colby leaned closer, tilting his head.
“What is it?”
In a flash, Wind stood up on her toes and gave his cheek a quick lick.
Colby froze, stunned as a flush rose to his face.
“U-uh… Wha-?”
“Sorry, I couldn’t help myself!” Wind pulled back and let out a soft laugh, clearly amused by his reaction.
Colby blinked, his paw brushing over the damp spot on his cheek. “Wind…?”
She raised her paws in mock surrender. “Relax, I’m not trying to mess anything up between you and Tag,” she reassured, her grin softening into a more genuine smile. “But in case it ever doesn’t work out between you someday, just want you to know… I like you, Colby.”
Colby’s blush deepened, and he chuckled nervously, unsure how to respond. “Well, uh… I’m flattered, Wind. I like you too. I’ll… keep that in mind.”
“Hm, you better.” Wind smirked. “But honestly, I really do hope things work out for you two. Tag deserves it, and I’m happy for you both.”
Colby met her gaze, her sincerity catching him off guard. “Thanks, that means a lot.”
“Oh, by the way, enjoy the concert tonight,” said Wind as she put her helmet back on. “It’s a long drive to Paws Angeles, so… promise me you’ll stay safe, alright?”
“Thanks, we will.” Colby said, still feeling the wet warmth on his cheek. “Promise.”
Wind sighed coyly.
“Still wish I could’ve been the one to take you, but eh.” She shrugged. “I’m more into rock, anyway.”
The faint beep of a watch interrupted their conversation, and Wind glanced at the time.
“Guess that’s my cue to head out. Same time next week?”
“Y-yeah, yeah.” Colby nodded distractedly as she hopped back in her car. “Next week.”
“See ya then!” Wind started the engine and paused, looking back at him. “And Colby? Thanks again. You’re a good boy.”
With a wink, she sped off, leaving Colby slightly flustered but smiling faintly as he watched her leave.
* * *
As Colby walked down the sidewalk, he felt lighter than he had in days, his thoughts focused on Tag and their coming trip. But as he turned the corner onto Main Street, the sight of a familiar face caught his attention.
There, hunched over a pile of litter, was Sam Whippet. The once-proud racer’s fur was dusty and disheveled, his mustache uneven and frayed. He wore a thick orange collar with ‘COMMUNITY SERVICE’ printed in bold letters across it. His ears drooped as he muttered to himself, shoving trash into a black bag.
Colby stopped mid-step, taking in the scene. For a moment, he debated walking on without saying anything, but curiosity got the better of him.
“Sam,” he greeted politely.
Sam’s head snapped up, and his eyes narrowed as he recognized Colby.
“What do you want, Connor?” he growled, his voice dripping with bitterness.
“Just passing through,” Colby replied, keeping his tone neutral. He glanced at the trash bag and grabber. “Didn’t expect to see you here.”
Sam snorted, jabbing the grabber at the sidewalk with unnecessary force. “Yeah, well, life’s full of surprises, isn’t it, Cody? No thanks to your meddling.”
“You brought this on yourself, Sam,” Colby scoffed.
“Don’t you think I know that?!” Sam barked, his voice echoing down the street. His shoulders sagged as he looked away. “I just… I wanted to win so badly. I needed to win… and now look at me.” He gestured to the trash heap as if it explained everything. “Ten more years of this. No license. No fans. Nothing. I hope you’re happy, Corduroy.”
“Hmph, is it wrong to say that I am?” Colby crossed his arms, his green eyes piercing. “After all, in your words, “there’s more to racing than winning.” Maybe it’s about time you figured out who you are without it.”
Sam let out a bitter laugh, shaking his head.
“Easy for you to say.”
Colby’s fists tightened, the air pressure suddenly rising sharply as he stepped closer to Sam.
“...Easy for me? Easy for me? You don’t know shit about my life. You don’t know true loss like I have. And trust me… you never will.”
Sam stiffened at Colby’s words, regretting having said anything.
“So maybe instead of focusing on what you’ve lost, you should think about what you can still gain,” Colby continued. “Redemption isn’t easy, but it’s not impossible.”
Sam glared at him for a long moment before sighing and turning back to his work. “...Whatever. I’ve got trash to pick up, Colby.”
Colby nodded slowly as the air pressure returned to normal, and he walked away, leaving Sam muttering to himself. As Colby turned the next corner, he couldn’t help but feel the slightest pang of pity for the disgraced racer, even as he knew Sam’s fate was one of his own making. Then, something finally occurred to him.
‘Wait, did he finally get my name right?’
He continued down the street to the Barker home and spotted Tag by her scooter, which was already loaded with bags. She happily hummed to herself, adjusting straps and carefully tucking things into the scooter’s seemingly bottomless storage compartment.
“Hey,” Colby called out, his tail wagging as he approached.
Tag glanced up, a smile spreading across her face.
“Hey, you!” she said, setting a bag aside. As Colby leaned in, she gave him a kiss on the cheek. “...How was training with Wind?”
“It went well.” Colby shrugged. “She’s definitely improving.”
Tag nodded, but he caught the flicker of something in her eyes – curiosity? Maybe a hint of jealousy?
“You sure seem to be spending a lot of time together,” she said sharply, zipping up her empty helmet bag hastily.
“It’s only a few hours a week,” Colby replied, watching her carefully. “But you’re still okay with it, right? Me giving her some tips?”
Tag paused, adjusting one last strap on the scooter. “Honestly? I wasn’t thrilled about it at first.” She turned to face him. “But I get it. Wind’s good competition, and that’s only going to make me better in the long run, right? And… I mean, I hang out with Scooch a lot, so I guess it’s only fair that you have a female friend too.”
“True.” Colby smiled, leaning casually against the scooter. “But outside the track, it’s not a competition, y’know. You’re my one and only, Tag.”
Tag smirked, brushing her paw against his. “I know. Besides, I’ve got my eye on the real prize – beating Wind in every race from here on out!”
“Now that’s the Tag I know,” Colby said, his voice warm with admiration.
She laughed, nudging him playfully before turning back to her scooter. “Anyway, you’d better finish packing your stuff. We’ve got a long road ahead of us, and I’m not waiting if you’re late!”
Colby chuckled, giving her a mock salute. “Yes, ma’am.”
As he headed inside to grab his things, he felt a sense of gratitude for the understanding they shared, even when small tensions arose.
* * *
The scooter hummed steadily beneath them as Colby steered along the winding country roads, the gentle breeze ruffling his fur. Rolling hills stretched out on either side, dotted with wildflowers, cornfields, and the occasional cow. Tag sat beside him in the sidecar as she admired the scenery.
“You’re a pretty good driver for your first time,” Tag teased, leaning her head on his arm. “It feels weird for me to be in the sidecar for once.”
“Thanks,” Colby replied. “I’ve got experience with all kinds of vehicles, so this is a walk in the park. Or a… drive in the park, I guess?”
“Well, don’t get too cocky,” Tag chuckled, tightening her grip briefly. “My scooter’s got more quirks than it looks,”
They both laughed, their excitement building as they anticipated the sights and sounds of Colliefornia ahead. The air seemed to buzz with a sense of adventure, their spirits high as Pawston faded in the distance.
But then, as they approached a signpost, Colby frowned. “Uh… was that our turn?”
Tag glanced back at the sign with a sigh. “Yeah, it was! No worries, just take the next exit and we’ll loop back around.”
“Sorry,” Colby groaned, slowing the scooter slightly. “That’s on me.”
“Don’t sweat it.” Tag shrugged, giving his thigh a reassuring pat. “What’s ten extra minutes, anyway? We’ve got the whole day ahead of us!”
“You’re taking this better than I thought.” He glanced at her, her smile putting him at ease.
“Why wouldn’t I? It’s not like we’re in a race,” she replied, leaning back a little and stretching her arms. “Just keep your eyes on the road, or you might miss the next turn too!”
They both laughed again, and the moment passed without issue.
Colby turned the dial on the scooter’s radio, smiling as the soft twang of a guitar filled the air.
“Caught between forever and a wasteland…
Reckless desire goes wild…
Uncharted… no sense of direction…
Just chasin’, a feelin’, for miles, and miles, and miiiles!”
As Colby listened, he couldn’t help but feel like the female singer’s mature southern voice was oddly familiar somehow. He tapped his finger against the handlebars in time with the beat.
Tag, leaning back with her arms crossed, tilted her head skeptically. But before the next verse could begin, she leaned forward and switched the dial. The song was abruptly replaced by the deafening roars of engines revving, squealing tires, and the occasional cheer of a crowd.
“Ugh…” Colby turned the dial back after a minute. “Sorry, but since I’m driving, I think I should get to pick the station.”
“-‘Cause love is lawless…”
“That was ‘Lawless’ by The Ol’ Yellers, now here’s-”
“Um, no?” Tag protested, switching it back. “It’s my scooter, which means I call the shots.”
“What even is this, Tag?” Colby asked, scowling as the cacophony of engines rattled his brain.
“It’s KVROM, the racing station!” Tag said enthusiastically. “All racecars, all the time! It’s the best!”
“But this is just… noise,” Colby muttered, cringing as another engine revved into a high-pitched whine. “You seriously prefer this over actual music?”
Tag grinned, tapping her foot along with the rhythm of an accelerating engine. “It’s not about music – it’s about the energy, the speed, the adrenaline. This is what really gets my heart racing!”
“Fine, fine.” Colby rolled his eyes but let out a sigh of fond exasperation. “You win.”
Tag settled back into her seat as the chaotic symphony of engines continued.
As the countryside rolled past, Colby shook his head with a wry smile, wondering how someone could find comfort in such chaos. But as Tag hummed happily along to the rhythm of roaring motors, he couldn’t help but think about how much he adored her little quirks – even if he didn’t quite understand them.
Still though, he really would’ve liked to listen to the rest of that song…
* * *
As the sun rose higher in the sky, Tag leaned to the side slightly, watching as yet another car zipped past them on the highway. Her eyes shifted to the speedometer, which read an unwavering 65 mph, perfectly matching the posted limit.
“Uh, Colby…” she began, trying to keep her tone neutral. “You know we’re getting passed by everyone, right? Couldn’t you go a little bit faster?”
Colby glanced at her, eyebrows raised. “I’m going the speed limit. Isn’t that, like, the definition of safe driving?”
“Yeah, but “safe” doesn’t mean “slow”,” she whined, her paw tapping impatiently on her knee. “We’re trying to get to the concert as soon as possible.”
“We’ve got plenty of time,” he insisted calmly. “No need to rush. Besides, I promised Wind I’d drive carefully.”
Tag stiffened slightly, her ears perking up.
“Wind, huh?” she asked, her tone carrying a subtle edge.
“Y-yeah, you know how competitive she gets – probably doesn’t want me breaking any land-speed records, hehe… hm.” Colby joked, his attempt at humor falling flat.
Tag forced an unconvincing laugh.
‘What other promises has he made her?’ she wondered. She folded her arms and turned her gaze away, watching the passing scenery with narrowed eyes.
Colby noticed her sudden silence.
“...Everything okay?”
“Yep, I’m fine,” Tag replied curtly, and her tail flicked in irritation.
Colby glanced at her again, but deciding not to press the issue, he meekly turned his focus back to the road. He raised the cruise-control up to 69.
Tag, meanwhile, stared at the passing hills, her thoughts racing. She wasn’t sure if she was being paranoid, but something about Colby’s mention of her rival irked her. And this morning… at first she thought it was just her imagination, but something still didn’t sit right with her.
Just then, their stomachs rumbled in near unison, breaking the tense silence that had grown between them. Colby sighed and glanced at Tag again, his grip on the handlebars relaxing.
“Sounds to me like we’re both just hungry. Maybe that’s why we’re so on edge,” he suggested.
“Yeah, that must be it.” Tag perked up slightly. “Let’s stop at McDognald’s! I could really go for a big juicy burger and fries right about now.”
“Hm, we could. Or…” Colby tilted his head thoughtfully as he noticed another option nearby. “There’s Pupway instead. It’s healthier.”
“But Pupway always takes forever!” Tag groaned, throwing her head back. “McDognald’s is fast and delicious. Plus, it’s a road trip! You’re supposed to eat junk food on a road trip, right?”
“Maybe, but it’s not exactly good fuel. You wouldn’t put greasy old oil in your car, right?” Colby reasoned.
Tag crossed her arms and grumbled, “You’re not my dad, Colby. Just because you’re older doesn’t mean you get to decide what’s best for me.”
Colby slowed the scooter slightly, looking at her with a raised brow. “Well maybe I do have to parent you a little every now and then. I’m just looking out for you.”
Tag’s glare softened into a pout. She huffed but didn’t argue, slumping back into her seat.
“Fine. But I’m getting extra mayo, and you can’t say a word about it.”
Colby quietly chuckled, his tail wagging just slightly.
As they pulled into the Pupway parking lot, Tag still looked unhappy, but Colby hoped getting some food in them would be enough to smooth over the unease brewing between them.
* * *
Once their stomachs were full, Colby and Tag resumed their journey. The miles passed more smoothly this time, their earlier disagreements left behind with the crumpled napkins.
The countryside began to gradually shift as they crossed the Colliefornia line, transforming into bustling roads peppered with quirky dog-themed tourist traps. They couldn’t resist taking short stops at several attractions along the way: the world’s largest fire hydrant, a giant golden statue of a retriever holding a frisbee, and an oversized doghouse billed as the “Pawfect Photo Spot.”
Tag held up her cellbone at each stop, grinning as she captured photos of them together. Colby often rolled his eyes playfully at the sillier poses she insisted on, but he couldn’t help going along with it in each shot.
By the time they were back on the road, their spirits were lifted, and their excitement for the adventure ahead was renewed. Paws Angeles loomed closer with each mile, its skyline glittering against the horizon like a promise of unforgettable memories to come.
As it was Tag’s turn to drive, Colby could simply relax and enjoy the ride. Settled into the sidecar with Tag’s cellbone in his paws, he began scrolling through all the pictures they’d taken.
“Y’know,” Colby said, his voice slightly raised over the hum of the engine. “Some of these came out really great. I love this one of us in front of the giant hydrant, that’s a keeper.”
Tag grinned. “Yeah, those photos are staying in my gallery forever.”
Colby tapped the screen, pulling up one of their sillier shots – he and Tag both pretending to bark at a squirrel statue. He shook his head, smiling. “Yeah, they’re priceless. I’d never wanna delete these photos.”
As soon as the words left his mouth, the phone’s voice assistant, WanWan, chirped cheerily:
“Okay! Deleting these photos.”
Colby froze in terror. “Wait, what?! No, no, no, no!”
The screen flashed with a progress bar, indicating that the photos were being erased. Panicking, Colby jabbed at the screen, but his clumsy taps only seemed to make things worse.
“What’s going on over there?” Tag asked, noticing his frantic movements.
“Uh…” Colby swallowed, his ears folding back. “Your cellbone thought I said to “delete these photos”.”
Tag gasped, nearly swerving the scooter. “What?! Colby, no! You didn’t… you didn’t actually delete them, did you?!”
“I tried to stop it!” he exclaimed, but as he looked at the now-empty gallery, his heart sank. “Shhhit. They’re all gone.”
Tag pulled over abruptly, snatching the cellbone from him with wide, horrified eyes. She tapped frantically, searching for some sign of hope, but it was futile. “Colby! Those were all our photos from today!” she wailed.
“I didn’t mean to! The stupid voice thing misheard me!” Colby tried to explain, his tail drooping.
Tag groaned, burying her face in her paws. “You’re banned from ever touching my cellbone again!”
Colby winced. “Maybe there’s… I dunno, some kind of “cloud” thing? They could still be saved as a backup, right?”
Tag sighed heavily, sliding the phone behind her back.
“...R-right, Tag?”
Tag remained silent, and neither of them spoke a word until they reached the city limits of Paws Angeles.
* * *
They eventually arrived at the concert venue, excitement filling the air around them. Fans milled about, chatting and laughing as the lights of the gigantic screens announced “TONIGHT: KELLY KORGI, FEATURING A SPECIAL GUEST” in bold, glowing letters. But as Colby and Tag approached the entrance, her frantic patting of her body turned into an ominous silence.
“What’s wrong?” Colby asked meekly, noticing her hesitation.
“I… I can’t find the tickets,” Tag stammered, her ears drooping. “I think… I think I might’ve left them… at home.”
Colby’s tail stiffened. “You’re kidding, right? Please be kidding.”
Tag shook her head, her eyes welling up. “I thought I packed them! I was so sure I packed them!”
Colby ran a paw through his fur, exhaling sharply. “You thought you packed them?! Tag, this whole trip… the stress, the detours, everything – it’s all been for this! And now you’re saying we might not even get in?!”
“I didn’t mean to forget!” Tag snapped, her frustration bubbling over. “You could’ve helped me this morning!” Tag snapped, her ears flattening. “But no, you were too busy spending time with Wind instead!”
Colby froze, taken aback. “What does Wind have to do with this?”
“You tell me, Colby!” Tag said bitterly. “Her scent was all over your cheek this morning! Did you really think I wouldn’t notice?!”
Colby’s fur bristled as guilt and frustration collided in his chest.
“Tag, it’s not what you think.”
“Then explain!” she demanded, her eyes narrowing.
Colby’s jaw tightened as he took a step back, his voice lowering defensively. “Wind… licked my cheek, okay? Just once, by surprise. I didn’t ask her to do it, and I sure didn’t encourage it.”
“Oh, so now she’s licking you?!” Tag’s voice cracked. “And you didn’t think to tell me?!”
“Because it didn’t mean anything to me!” Colby replied. “Wind knows I’m with you, and she even said she doesn’t want to get between us right after she did it. She’s just... a friend who wanted me to know how she felt. That’s all.”
Tag’s glare softened slightly, but her tail still whipped aggressively behind her. “You’re really expecting me to believe that?”
“It’s the truth,” Colby said, his voice steady now. “She wants the best for us – she’s the whole reason we even got to go to this concert in the first place!”
“What do you mean?” Tag asked.
Colby took a deep breath, reigning in his emotions. “She’s the one who gave me these tickets. She said she knew how much you love Kelly and wanted us to have a great time together. All I had to do was beat her in a race for them.”
Tag’s scowl faltered, though her tail still lashed behind her. “Why would she lick you, then?”
“I don’t know, okay?” Colby said, running a paw through his fur. “She’s… complicated. Who isn’t? But that doesn’t change the fact that I love you, Tag. Not Wind… you.”
Tag stared at him, her anger simmering down into something softer, though doubt lingered in her eyes. “Do you really mean that?”
“Of course I do,” Colby said earnestly, stepping closer.
There was a tense silence. Around them, the crowd bustled, unaware of the turmoil brewing in their little corner of the venue.
Finally, Tag looked away, her shoulders sagging. “I just… I love you. And I don’t want to lose you. Especially not to her.”
“And you won’t,” Colby said softly. He stepped closer, placing his paw on her shoulder. “But if this is going to work, we have to stop doubting each other. Letting all our little differences get in the way of what we share together.”
Tag nodded, wiping her eyes. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry too.” Colby’s expression softened. “Let’s figure this out, okay? Maybe we can explain everything to the staff, see if there’s a way to get in without the tickets.”
“It’s worth a shot, I guess.” Tag sniffed, a small smile forming. She took off her helmet. “Let me put this away first.”
Opening the helmet bag, her paw brushed against something stiff and rectangular. Her heart skipped a beat.
“Wait…” She reached in, her eyes widening as she pulled out two small pieces of paper. “The tickets! They were here the whole time!”
Colby blinked, staring in disbelief. “You’re kidding.”
“Nope!” Tag laughed, clutching the tickets like they were her most precious possessions. “I must’ve shoved them in here while packing and forgot!”
Relief and joy swept through both of them, Colby shaking his head with a chuckle.
“Guess we don’t need to grovel at the ticket counter after all.”
“Let’s get inside, quick!” Tag beamed. “Kelly Korgi’s waiting!”
* * *
Colby and Tag stood at the front row, their eyes locked on the stage just above them. The noise of the crowd fell into a hush as the lights slowly dimmed. Tag looked up at Colby giddily, holding his paw in her own.
"Excited?" she whispered, barely able to contain her enthusiasm.
"More than ever," Colby replied, looking down at her. “I’m sorry again about today. Thanks for putting up with me through all of it. I love you, Tag.”
“I love you too, Colby.” Tag blushed, holding his paw. “And I’m sorry too, I wasn’t any better. But now that we’re finally here, it’ll have all been worth it!”
Suddenly, the arena was plunged into total darkness. Then, a single spotlight hit the stage, a beam of white light cutting through the thickened atmosphere like a knife.
From below the stage, Kelly Korgi slowly rose up on a platform facing away from the audience while striking a pose with a microphone in her paw, her vibrant stage presence filling the light.
“I’m not your, I’m not your, I’m not your cookie-cutter!”
The crowd erupted into cheers as Kelly turned around and began to sing, her voice smooth and strong, each note carrying with it the power to draw the audience in deeper.
Colby and Tag’s hearts raced, eyes wide with awe. Kelly was a star that could captivate every soul in the stadium, and Colby was no exception.
“Another minute, ‘nother hour,
I can’t take it from you anymore, anymore, anymooore.
You keep on talkin’ like you’re something that I’m cravin’
You can’t let it go, let it go, let it gooo.”
He leaned on the barrier, his attention fixed on the curvaceous corgi as she commanded the stage. Short and curvy, Kelly had a sassy charm that was impossible to ignore. Her wide hips swayed with each note she sang, her movements utterly mesmerizing. While his ears listened, Colby found his eyes wandering, naturally drawn to her generous curves.
As she sang, her voice wrapped around every note like liquid gold, smooth and irresistible.
“I'm not your ‘Ah~’... lookin’ at me like ‘Ooh-la-la-lah~’...
I’m not your ‘Mmm~’ when you wanna,
Won’t be that late night order,
I’m not that, I’m not that, I’m not that cookie-cutter… girl!
Made for your cookie-cutter… world!
Tell me little boy, whatchu try’na do? OooOoh…”
Colby had never seen a dog quite like her before – not just in appearance, but in the feminine power she exuded. The way her body moved with the music, the energy she radiated – it was unlike anything he had experienced, and it left him utterly captivated.
Tag couldn't help but take notice as his usual calm demeanor was nowhere to be found. Instead, his tail was now wagging so fast it almost looked like it could fly right off, and his breath came in short, excited bursts from behind his lolled tongue as he watched the corgi perform. A soft panting accompanied each note Kelly sang, and Tag raised an eyebrow in amusement, though she tried to hide the smirk forming on her lips.
‘I’m not even mad,’ Tag thought, glancing over at Kelly, who was undeniably stunning. The corgi’s thick thighs were impossible to ignore, and her brassy voice was almost otherworldly. Kelly had been voted "Sexiest Dog Alive" by both Rolling Bone and Vanity Fur, and it was clear why. Kelly had the kind of physical appeal that made heads turn, regardless of whether you were a fan of her music or not.
Tag nudged Colby lightly with her elbow, her tone light and teasing, "Looks like someone’s got a celebrity crush.”
Colby blinked, snapping back to reality, his face flushing a bit in embarrassment.
"What? N-no, I mean – it's just-!" He cleared his throat awkwardly, trying to regain his composure, but it was hard to ignore how much his tail was still wagging. “She sings good.”
"Hey, I get it." Tag chuckled softly. "Just hold your drool ‘til after the concert, okay? Then you’ll get to meet her in-person."
Colby shot her a grateful look, but the playful twinkle in Tag's eyes told him she knew exactly what was going on. He rolled his eyes, half embarrassed, half relieved that she understood.
“I‘m not your cookie-cutter!”
The moment Kelly finished her opening song, the audience exploded into an uproar of applause and cheers. Tag couldn't help but grin at the excitement that pulsed through the crowd. Even Colby, usually so composed, was caught up in the fervor and cheering enthusiastically, his tail still wagging like mad.
"Are y’all having a good time tonight?!" Kelly asked the crowd with a smile, her voice sweet yet commanding.
The crowd cheered even louder, their excitement reverberating through the venue. Tag noticed how effortlessly Kelly held them all in the palm of her paw.
As the crowd finally settled, Kelly leaned into the microphone with a mischievous glint in her eye.
"Well, I’ve got a little surprise for you all," she teased. "As you know, there’s a special guest joining me tonight, and they'll be here in just a minute. Do you wanna know who it is?!"
A ripple of excitement went through the crowd at the mention of the guest.
“Fine, I’ll give you a hint. Let’s just say that… talent runs in my family!”
Whispers and murmurs filled the air. Tag exchanged a curious glance with Colby, wondering who could possibly be the mysterious performer.
Kelly started her next song, and the crowd’s attention was instantly pulled back to the stage. Her voice rang out again in a faster-paced rap beat.
“Hey, yo, look at me go, gotta work that walk, gotta bust the flow,
I say oh, no, whaddya know, gotta set that fire, make it blow,
Try’n take me now, try’n take me now, got me waitin’ and I'm ready to go!
I'll take you now, I'll take you now, three, two, one, go!”
Tag leaned toward Colby, her voice carrying over the music. “This must be a brand-new song,” she said, her tail wagging with curiosity. “I’ve ever heard this one before!”
Colby, still caught up in Kelly’s presence, nodded absently. “Yeah… maybe it’s a sneak peek at her next album or something.” His eyes stayed glued to the stage, his ears twitching to catch every note. “It’s got a different vibe, but it’s still totally her.”
They didn’t have to wait long to find out who the special guest was, as from a platform rising below the stage, a male corgi appeared, dressed to impress. He wore shutter shades that glinted under the spotlight and a crisp white trilby hat tilted just enough to add a dash of swagger.
With a smooth leap, he landed next to Kelly, a mic in his paw. The crowd erupted into cheers as he joined in on the song, his movements fluid as he danced in time with the beat.
“Give it up for my brother, Kenny Korgi!” Kelly shouted between verses, her tail wagging behind her.
The audience roared louder than ever as the sibling duo lit up the stage.
“Kenny K. on the track, yeah I'm brand new,
Rappin’ like I run the game although it's just my debut,
Stop, digest for a minute, don't be eager, take a breather, then I'll get back in it,
Haven't reached our limit, but we go, dog, go, got a sister and a brother teamin’ up in the show!”
As Kenny had his moment, the energy in the room surged. His voice was just as smooth as his sister’s, his moves effortless, and his charisma undeniable. Tag’s ears perked up, her tail suddenly wagging a mile a minute.
Colby, still recovering from Kelly’s presence, finally noticed Tag’s expression – her wide eyes, the slight parting of her mouth, the way her tongue stuck out just like his was.
“Wait… are you-?”
“He’s so… cool,” she whispered in awe, her cheeks heating up.
“Oh, now look who’s drooling,” Colby chuckled.
Tag shot him a sideways glance but didn’t deny it.
Just then, seeing them standing front and center of the crowd, Kelly blew Colby a playful kiss while Kenny did the same to Tag.
Colby felt his heart nearly stop. Tag let out a tiny squeak.
“Did that just happen?” Colby asked with a bashful grin, his face bright red. “Was that for… us?”
“I think I’m gonna die,” Tag mumbled, gripping Colby’s arm as though she might faint otherwise.
The crowd’s cheers around them were deafening, but the two were too lost in their own starstruck daze to process anything else.
* * *
After the concert ended, Tag and Colby made their way through the crowd toward the backstage entrance. Both were still riding the high of the show, their energy buzzing as brightly as the neon lights of the stage.
As they approached the backstage entrance, Colby noticed the imposing figure of a stoic navy-blue dog standing guard. He was built like a brick doghouse, his fur sleek and sharp under the fluorescent lights. Black sunglasses shielded his eyes, and his posture was straight-backed, almost military.
“Uh, I think we have to talk to him,” Colby said, hesitating as they stopped in front of the guard.
Before he could say anything else, Tag stepped forward confidently.
“Hey, Brutus,” she said casually, as if greeting an old friend.
To Colby’s surprise, Brutus’s stoic demeanor softened – if only slightly. He tilted his head toward her, his lips twitching into what might have been a smile.
“Tag,” he said in a low, gravelly voice. “Haven’t seen you since the Pawmazing Race.”
Tag smirked, holding up the backstage passes.
“We’re here to meet Kelly and Kenny.”
Brutus took the passes, inspecting them carefully before nodding. “You’re clear. Go on in.” He stepped aside, motioning for them to pass.
As they walked through the backstage corridor, Colby couldn’t keep quiet any longer.
“Okay, what was that? You know the security guard?”
Tag shrugged nonchalantly, though her tail wagged a little as she glanced at him.
“Brutus? Oh, yeah, we go waaay back. He’s a little intimidating at first, but he’s a big softie deep down.”
Before he could respond, the door swung open to reveal Kelly and Kenny Korgi, both radiant and still brimming with energy from their performance. Kelly Korgi’s bright, genuine smile instantly lit up the room when she spotted Tag, her tail wagging with enthusiasm.
“There’s my number one fan!” Kelly said with a grin, approaching Tag and pulling her into a warm hug. “How’ve you been, girl? I’ve been meaning to visit Pawston again, but with my new album coming out soon, things have been craaazy!”
“Hi, Kelly! I’ve been great!” Tag beamed, obviously flattered, but also comfortable with the familiarity.
Colby stood frozen just inside the door, jaw dropped in disbelief. He had always known Tag admired Kelly, but to see them greet each other like old friends was a whole new level. He rubbed his eyes as Kelly pulled away from Tag, giving her hair a playful ruffle.
“You never told me you were this close with Kelly!” Colby finally blurted out, his voice tinged with surprise and a hint of confusion.
Tag turned to him with an exaggerated shrug, her grin mischievous.
“Oh, you know... I don’t like to brag,” she said, tossing her ear back dramatically. “Okay, maybe I like to brag a little, but I would never abuse my privilege of being friends with the Kelly Korgi. Oh! Kelly, meet Colby. He’s a big fan.”
Kelly smiled warmly at Colby as she approached him, her eyes twinkling with sincerity. “It’s so nice to meet you, Colby,” she said, her tone light and friendly. “I’d be happy to give you a pawtograph, if you want.”
“A pawtograph?” Colby blinked, looking a little surprised. “Oh, uh… well, I didn’t think to bring anything for you to sign…” He shifted awkwardly, his nerves getting the best of him.
“Hey, no problem!” Without missing a beat, she stepped closer to Colby, a playful glint in her eye. Before he could react, Kelly gently cupped his face with both paws, tilting his head just slightly to the side. With a grin, she placed a soft, slow kiss on his cheek.
Colby’s eyes widened in shock, and his whole body froze for a moment. His cheeks flushed as he felt her warm lips on his fur. He could practically feel steam coming out of his ears, and without thinking, his leg kicked back a little, as if he were a puppy getting a belly rub.
After what seemed like an eternity but was actually mere seconds, Kelly finally pulled away. “How’s that for a pawtograph?”
Tag, watching the scene unfold with a look of amusement, couldn’t help but interject, her voice teasing. “U-uh, maybe I should’ve mentioned… Colby’s my boyfriend.”
“Oh! I’m so sorry, Tag! I didn’t mean to-”
While Colby still squirmed with a mix of embarrassment and excitement, Tag waved her paws awkwardly.
“It’s fine! Totally fine.”
Kelly gave her an apologetic look but then flashed Colby a wink.
“Well, in that case, just consider it a special autograph for a special fan. No hard feelings, huh?” she teased, giving him a playful nudge.
Tag rolled her eyes with a grin, clearly entertained by the entire situation.
“No harm done. Just… don’t make a habit of it, okay?” she said, raising an eyebrow.
“I promise, I’ll keep it professional next time,” Kelly chuckled, winking at Colby once more before turning her attention back to Tag.
Colby, still blushing, tried to compose himself, but his heart was still racing. “Yeah, uh... n-no problem... just didn’t expect that.”
“You’re sure getting all the love today, aren’t you?” Tag shook her head at Colby affectionately. “Lucky dog.”
"Alright sis, give 'em a real pawtograph," Kenny said, rolling his eyes. "A kiss might be a little too special for the fans, don’t you think?"
Kelly laughed, unbothered by Kenny’s teasing.
"You’re right, Kenny. Alright, everyone, gather round! We’ll do this the professional way," she said with a wink, stepping back and reaching for her cellbone.
The group squeezed together for a quick selfie, everyone smiling for the camera. Colby was still a little flustered, but Tag seemed delighted, her eyes sparkling with excitement. When Kelly snapped the photo, they all looked perfect – just a moment of fun shared among friends.
"Perfect!" Kelly exclaimed, showing them the photo. She handed the phone to Kenny, who zoomed in and began to scribble a quick autograph on the screen in the corner.
Kelly followed suit, signing the bottom of the photo. "There you go," she said, handing it back to Colby and Tag. "A real pawtograph, just like you wanted."
But then Kelly, always one for a little mischief, turned to her brother with a sly grin.
"You know," she began, glancing between him and Tag, "to make things fair, I think you should give Tag a kiss on the cheek too. After all, she’s been such a good sport.”
Kenny raised an eyebrow and gave Tag a once-over.
"Eh, what do you think?" he asked Colby with a cheeky smile. "Can I give her a quick smooch, or is that too much?"
Colby, not wanting to seem hypocritical, shrugged and chuckled. "Eh, sure, go for it. Fair is fair. What matters is if it’s okay with Tag."
Tag, who had been standing there, eyes wide in shock, froze for a moment. The idea caught her off guard, but she couldn’t help the grin that spread across her face. It was all in good fun, and she wasn’t about to turn down the opportunity to play along.
"U-uh..." Tag stammered, still speechless for a beat. Then she blurted out, "Yeah?!"
Kenny chuckled, stepping closer to Tag with a grin. "Alright then, here goes!" He leaned in quickly, planting a firm kiss on her cheek. It was quick, but definitely enough to leave her flustered.
"Now we're even," Kenny said, stepping back with a wink, clearly enjoying the fun he was stirring up.
Colby, despite the weirdness of it all, found himself laughing along. "Well, guess we’re part of the exclusive fan club now, huh Tag?"
Tag, still a bit stunned but grinning, nodded in agreement.
"Alright, alright, enough of the awkwardness," Kelly said, her voice light and playful as she clapped her paws together. "What better way to break the ice than with some karaoke?"
Kenny raised an eyebrow, clearly amused. "You read my mind, Kel.”
Tag immediately perked up, her earlier embarrassment melting away at the mention of karaoke.
"I’m in! I’ve always wanted to sing with you again, Kelly." She said excitedly, her earlier bashfulness completely forgotten.
“‘Again’?” Colby commented, intrigued. “I never knew you could sing, Tag.”
Tag’s confident attitude faltered for a second. She scratched the back of her neck, suddenly looking a bit self-conscious. Now that she thought of it, she had never sang in front of Colby before, and it suddenly made her nervous.
“Oh, w-well, I’m not that great,” she said, her voice quieter now, the modesty kicking in. “I mean, I like to sing, but… I’m no professional.”
“Are you kidding me? Tag’s voice is amazing!” Kelly stepped in with a smile. “She’s got that soulful vibe that just makes you want to get lost in her voice. No way you’re backing out now, Tag! You gotta go first, show him what you’ve got!”
Tag hesitated, but with everyone’s encouragement, she knew there was no backing out now. She took the mic from Kelly with a sigh, though a small smile tugged at her lips.
“Alright, alright… I’ll give it a shot,” she muttered shyly. She quickly typed in a song on the screen that expressed her feelings.
The opening chords of the song played, and Tag, despite her nerves, took a deep breath and started singing.
“When you fall out of the wrong side of bed,
And every last stoplight in town turns red,
When you're lost in a fog and your dreams cannot find you,
Call me, and I'll remind you…”
Her voice was smooth and confident, with an unexpected depth that captivated everyone in the room. Colby sat on the couch, watching her with wide eyes. He hadn’t expected her to sound this good.
“You're charming, you're strange, and you're fun,
And you dance to the beat of your own little drum,
When you add it all up, you're the most perfect sum
Of charming, and strange, and fun.”
The more Tag sang, the more she found herself relaxing, lost in the music. She swayed with the slow rhythm, her voice growing stronger with each note. She stole a glance at Colby mid-song and saw him staring at her in awe as he took in her performance.
“One day you'll discover that there is no other
Who fights like the lover you are,
For all the world's people to be seen as equally loved
By your wonderful heart…”
By the time the song reached its final chorus, Tag’s nerves had faded, and she finished strong with a big smile.
“You're charming, you're smart and you're strong
On the black-and-white staff of this life you're the song
I'll be singing your melody all my life long,
You're charming… my darling… to me…"
“Well, there you go,” Tag said, her cheeks flushing with a mix of satisfaction and embarrassment.
Colby, still a little stunned by what he’d just witnessed, blinked a few times before breaking into a grin.
“Wow, Tag. You were… amazing,” he said, his tone genuine, and more than a little impressed.
“Told you! “ Kelly gave Tag an enthusiastic pat. “You’ve got talent, girl.”
Tag chuckled nervously, her cheeks still a bit red. “I wasn’t trying to blow everyone away or anything, but… thanks.”
“Now, Colby, it’s your turn,” Kelly teased with a playful nudge.
Colby hesitated for a moment, then gave her a nod. “Well, I’ll try,” he said, stepping forward and grabbing the mic from Kelly.
It was now Tag’s turn to cheer him on, her earlier shyness now replaced with excitement.
“Alright, Colby, show us what you’ve got!”
Colby picked a song, held the mic up… and took a breath.
* * *
After their fun-filled evening with the Korgis, Tag and Colby finally made their way back to their hotel, still recovering from the excitement of the concert and the backstage interactions.
As they entered their hotel room, the door closing softly behind them, Tag suddenly stepped up to Colby, her expression softer than usual. Before he could say anything, she pulled him into a long, tight hug. It was unexpected, but Colby immediately returned the gesture, wrapping his arms around her as she buried her face in his chest.
"Tag?" Colby asked curiously. "Everything okay?"
Tag held him for a moment longer, the silence between them comfortable and warm. Then, pulling back slightly, she looked up at him with a mix of vulnerability and sincerity.
"I’m just... so grateful," she said softly, her voice almost a whisper. "Grateful to have you in my life. I really can't imagine a life without you anymore, Colby."
The words caught him off guard, but in the best way possible. His heart skipped a beat, and he gazed down at her, taking in the depth of her sentiment. Her words stirred something deep within him, making him aware of how much she truly meant to him too.
"Me neither," he said quietly, pulling her back into the hug, this time with even more affection. "I don’t know what I’d do without you. You've become such a big part of my life... I can’t imagine it without you, either, Tag."
She smiled softly against his chest, the warmth of his embrace comforting her in a way she hadn’t realized she needed.
“Good,” she murmured. “Because I want you in my life for a long, long time.”
"You’re stuck with me now," he chuckled gently, his voice sincere. "For as long as you’ll have me."
“Oh, and about the photos,” Tag said softly, “I should be able to recover them from the hard drive.”
“That’s a relief,” Colby sighed. “Am I… still banned from touching your cellbone?”
“...No. I was just irritated.”
“We both were.”
They stood there for a few moments, simply holding each other, both of them feeling the weight of the unspoken bond between them.
As they pulled back from their hug, Tag’s expression shifted slightly, her eyes becoming a little more serious. She took a step back, still holding onto Colby’s paws as she gave him a thoughtful look. The warmth of the moment seemed to linger, but something about her gaze told him she was about to say something that was a little different from the usual.
“Colby,” she began, her voice quieter, almost hesitant. “I have a question for you. It’s… important.”
Colby raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued.
“What is it?” he asked with a flicker of concern, sensing the change in her demeanor.
Tag’s lips curled into a small, cryptic smile, though it didn’t quite reach her eyes. She bit her lip for a moment, as though weighing whether or not she should go on.
“It’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while now,” she continued. “And... I think it’s a good time to ask.”
Colby felt a knot form in his stomach, his mind racing through possibilities. What could it be? What important question was she talking about? He gave her a reassuring smile, hoping his calmness would help her feel more at ease.
“Tag, you can ask me anything.”
Tag took a deep breath, her shoulders relaxing a little as if she were preparing herself for what she was about to say. Her voice dropped to a quieter, more earnest tone.
“Okay, here it is…” She looked directly into his eyes, her gaze full of sincerity. “If we can make it through a bad day like today – everything with the trip, with Wind, all of it – then I think we can make it through anything,” she said, her eyes searching his face. “Don’t you think?”
Colby nodded slowly, feeling the truth of her words. The day had been a whirlwind, but through it all, they still loved one another just as much, if not more so. But before he could speak, she asked something that made his heart skip a beat.
“Colby, would you ever wanna… I dunno... marry me?”
Colby froze for a moment, his mind racing to process what she had just asked. Marriage? He wasn’t prepared for that kind of question. They’d been growing closer for a while now, but the idea of it had hardly even crossed his mind. His pulse quickened as he looked at her, trying to find the right response.
Tag, sensing his hesitation, quickly added, “I know it’s a huge question, and I’m not asking for an answer right this minute. I just... it’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while. After everything we’ve been through together, I was wondering if maybe you could ever see us… going there.”
Colby swallowed hard, trying to calm the sudden flutter in his chest. He wasn’t sure if he was ready to dive into a question like this, but it was clear that Tag was serious. He couldn’t just brush it off.
He let out a slow breath, his mind still catching up with the weight of Tag’s question. He looked into her expectant eyes, seeing the vulnerability behind them – the quiet hope that maybe, just maybe, he wouldn’t shut the idea down completely.
Finally, he gave her little orange paws a squeeze and offered a small, reassuring smile.
“I’m not sure I can give you a ‘yes’, at least not tonight. But it’s not a ‘no,’ either.” He kneeled down to her level. “It’s a ‘someday’.”
Tag’s ears perked up slightly, her tail giving a tiny wag.
“Someday?” she repeated, her voice barely above a whisper, as if testing the word on her tongue.
Colby nodded, his smile growing a little.
“I don’t know when, and I don’t know how things will turn out, but... if I had to imagine my future, I can only see you in it.” He chuckled a little, rubbing the back of his neck. “I just need more time to get there. Wrap my head around it.”
Tag’s heart swelled at his words, a warm, giddy feeling bubbling up inside her. She truthfully hadn’t expected him to be open to the idea at all, let alone admit that he could see a future with her.
She grinned, nudging him playfully. “Well, you’d better start wrapping your head around it now, mister. I’m pretty patient... but not that patient.”
Colby laughed, shaking his head. “You are a lot of things, Tag, and “patient” is not one of them.”
“Okay, you’re right,” Tag agreed with a soft laugh, still smiling as she rested her forehead against his for a brief moment. “Someday.”
“Someday,” Colby echoed softly, giving her lips a soft kiss.
The fateful conversation left a new kind of warmth between them, one filled with possibilities. For now, they didn’t need all the answers. All they needed was the promise of…